10 August 1878

Paradise Relief Society; Paradise, Utah Territory

[. . .]

President [Lydia R.] Remington, spoke a few minutes, and then desired Sister Eliza R. Snow to address <us>, she being present with us, also Sister Elizabeth Davis.

Sister Snow then arose, and said, This is the first visit, I have made to you in this place, spoke of the of situation and beeuty of site of our place, and <wished> we as a people were as good as our name indicated, She said it was the sisters <who> gave tone to society, and that if they were in the line of their duties, we should be a blest people, and that we were enough here, to be a power for good or evil we are not here on this earth for self interest, but to build up zion, we came from our natives homes for that perpose It will require our whole time and lives to obey this gospel, I nor you have not obeyed it yet. Many of us have thought we could rely on our husbands saving us, and have turned our attention to out doing one and other, in things not tending to good, at the expense of Eternal life hereafter. And sisters your’s is not the place to dictate, nor controll in your homes, Your is the honorable part of councilor, We are week, frail mortals our natural feelings tend rather to earth and earthly things, only as the spirit lifts us above this, Do we realize that our salvation is at stake! Do we realize how important it is! Do we under stand the duties of the Organization of our relief societies! Sister Snow then gave us needed instructions on this, which was thankfully received, also spoke of the great wealth that would flow in to us as a people. through silk-raising, and of the great lack of Mulberry trees here, said we should bring our apparrel out of the elements, and to be ingenious, to make our ornaments, said the sisters that had the most to do at home done the work in our societies, told us to up life [uplift] the hands of our husbands in this work, if we refuse to do this we tie their hands [p. 81]

Source Note

Paradise Ward, Hyrum Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1869–1973), vol. 1 (1869–1888), p. 81, CHL (LR 6733 14); Carrie Smith, Secretary.

See also “Returned,” Deseret News 27, no. 31 (4 Sept. 1878): 489; and “Visit to Relief Societies,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 7 (1 Sept. 1878): 51; and Elizabeth A. Davis, “Report of Trip North,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 9 (1 Oct. 1878): 70.

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10 August 1878, Paradise Relief Society; Paradise, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/08/1878-08-10-a