18 October 1883

Lehi Young Ladies; Lehi, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Miss Prest. [Sarah Taylor] said we had with us Sisters E. R. Snow Emmeline [B.] Wells, and Rachel [R.] Grant of S. L. [Salt Lake] City [. . .]

Sister Snow said there was no one more interested in the young than she was. She helped to organize the first young ladies association under the direction of President Brigham Young. Said God had placed within you each all the blessings we could desire. We had to decide whether we wanted the favor of the world or the favor [page damaged] [of?] [p. 261] God. Gave some good advise on house keeping. In all the duties of life, we should be found faithful. She was delighted to hear in our report of so many testamonies being borne. There was a great deal to be spoken about in our meetings. We should understand ourselves and know how to take care of our health. Related a circumstance about a young woman who died with her first child and her child died too, because she had not taken care of her health while she was single. We should pay our tithing and we should always be honest in all our dealings. Hoped we would not be vain. Asked if the girls attended to their prayers. We should enjoy the spirit of the Lord [t]hat when anyone was sick we could have power to lay our hands on them and heal them. We could rebuke the power of the destroyer if we had faith and lived our religion. Exhorted us never to marry a man, who would not go through the house of the Lord. When we were thinking of marrying, we should ask the Lord to find a husband for us. Hoped that the Lord would bless us and strengthen our minds that we might become useful instruments in the Church and Kingdom of God. Was pleased with our Report.

Sister Rachel Grant [. . .] Bore her testamony to what Sister Snow had said. [. . .] [p. 262] [. . .] Sister Snow made a few remarkes in regard to our Fair. She was well pleased and thought it a great success.

[. . .] [p. 263]

Source Note

Lehi Ward, Alpine Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875–1903), vol. 1 (1875–1887), pp. 261–263, CHL (LR 4817 17).

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18 October 1883, Lehi Young Ladies; Lehi, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1883/10/1883-10-18-b