17 August 1880
Salt Lake City Eighteenth Ward Relief Society; Lion House, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Lion House, 1861, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory. Photograph by Marsena Cannon.
[. . .]
Pres E R Snow, Then arose and made a few remarks. We are a few in number, but I am thankful for the privilege of meeting with you. I have been absent for 2 weeks, during that time I have attended 30 meetings. The sisters in the different Settlements were very pleased to meet with us, we met at Thistle Valley, and held meetings with the Indians. They hold the name of Pres [Brigham] Young very sacred, and are improving very fast, spoke of the necessity of havi[n]g another Councillor <to fill the position of> Councillor Lizzie [Elizabeth L.] Thomas who had died.
[. . .] [p. 69]
Source Note
Eighteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1877–1941), vol. 1 (1877–1892), p. 69, CHL (LR 2523 14); Mary M. Schettler, Secretary.