9 May 1879

Weber Stake Relief Society; Ogden Tabernacle, Ogden, Utah Territory

A long, rectangular building with triangle roof, a single chimney, and three arched, front-facing windows

Original Ogden Stake Tabernacle. (Used by permission, Utah State Historical Society.)

On the stand were [. . .] Ladies from Salt Lake City—Pres. E. R. Snow, Mrs Pheba Woodruffo [Phebe C. Woodruff], Mrs. S. M. Kimble [Sarah M. Kimball], Mrs. E. [Emmeline] B. Wells [. . .]

[. . .] Pres. Jane S. Richards [. . .] alluded to the illness of the Secretary [. . .] On nomination of Pres. E. R. Snow, Mrs. E. B. Wells, was appointed Sect, Pro tem. [. . .] [p. 54]

[. . .]

Pres. D. [David] H. Peery, made a few remarks; urged the people to come to the meetings to hear the sisters talk [. . .] He spoke of the great work accompilished by Sister E. R. Snow; said probably there were few men in this Church who had done as great a work. [. . .]

Afternoon Session: [. . .] Pres. E. R. Snow, addressed the people. She expressed her gratitude to God for the organization of Relief Societies; she had been connected with the first organization <organized> by the Prophet Joseph Smith, in Nauvoo on the 26th of March, 1842, and remembered he said that it should become a great power and have great influence, and it had extended not only through out Zion but into Great [p. 55] Britton [Britain]. She realized that if the sisters honored their calling as daughters of the Most High God, all would be fulfilled that had been promised. She said it was easy to live profess to be a saint, but not so easy to live up to every principle. Her heart ached for some who had been obeidient but were now using all their influence to distroy; they could only be compared to blind people in the midst of light. It was necessary for Saints to set their faces as flint against any indication of evil power, or influences <influence> The Saints are asleep, but Saten is on the alert, and he seeks to decoy the innocent. We should have no individual interests, we should realize we are the daughters of God,—bought with the blood of his Son; If we would reflect upon these things, we should do our duty with all our souls. Never shrink from duty, be it ever so trifling, this will refer to young and old; it will apply to me. There are many duties which require to be performed co-coperatively; we can do these things if we have the spirit of God with us, the Holy Gost and does any one need better company? If we have this there is no danger of jealousies or hatred. it is long suffering, gentleness, patience, meekness, it will make us powerful helpmates. Some are but are all?? in the world some monopolize to the injury of others, but we want to come together, consult together and accomplish great purposes for the good of all. Miss Snow also made some remarks upon storing grain, building granaries, the manufacture of straw, the making of artifical flowers, and the home interests generally in Ogden; giving these sisters there, with Sister Jane S. Richards as prime leader, great credit for their energy and perseverance in that direction. There were many other excellent sentiments advanced.

[. . .] [p. 56]

Source Note

Weber Stake, Relief Society Conference Minute Book (1855–1899), pp. 54–56, CHL (LR 9970 29); Emmeline B. Wells, Secretary Pro Tem.

See also “Relief Society Conference: Weber Stake of Zion,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 1 (1 June 1879): 252–253; Weber Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1867–1968), vol. 6 (1877–1900), pp. 53–56, CHL (LR 9970 14).

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9 May 1879, Weber Stake Relief Society; Ogden Tabernacle, Ogden, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/05/1879-05-09