10 September 1871

Spanish Fork Relief Society; Spanish Fork Meetinghouse, Spanish Fork, Utah Territory

Large, brick building with steeple and arched windows

Spanish Fork meetinghouse, Spanish Fork, Utah Territory. (Used by permission, Utah State Historical Society.)

[. . .]

Bp [Bishop Albert] Thurber introduced Sister E R Snow who addressed the meeting teaching the sisters how to magnify their high and noble calling,—a calling to which the angels have not been called—what releif Societies are for, they should comprise within themselves every holy and moral principle—women should understand the anatomy <and> phisiology of their being when they meet together they should instruct one another in evrything that [n.p.] will tend to preserve their lives and the lives of their children. These Societies are not only to help the poor, but that the sisters may learn every principle that tends to elevate woman. Sister Snow instructed the officers of the Societies in their duties.

A President with her counsell<ors> should preside as the Presidency of the church preside be one in all things The Sec. should keep a faithfull record of the history of the Society &c

The Treas, should keep a correct account of all receipts and disbursements.

The teachers Should be exemplary in all things and be kind and charitable in all their dealings, they should visit stranger sisters when they come into their districts and give them such advice as they need &c

The Sisters should study books that will teach them how to raise their children healthfull <&c>

Exhorted the Sisters to teach their children honesty from the breast persistantly till they are out of their Mothers control. &c. &c.

Sister [Margaret T.] Smoot exhorted the sisters to treasure up and practice the teachings of Sister Snow [n.p.]

Sister Snow again spoke with regard to the correct pattern of our temple clothing as there has been many changes made the relief societies should have a correct pattern to work by. [. . .]

Bp Thurber was pleased with the pleasant time they had spent together and congratulate<d> the Sisters upon the privilige they had enjoyed receiving instructions from them who can enter into their feelings and instruct them suitably to their natures [. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Spanish Fork Ward, Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1857–1892), vol. 1s (1871–1880), n.p., CHL (LR 8611 14).

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10 September 1871, Spanish Fork Relief Society; Spanish Fork Meetinghouse, Spanish Fork, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1871/09/1871-09-10