Circa May 1879

Mayfield Relief Society; Mayfield, Utah Territory

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Sister Eliza R. Snow said, By the request of the president I arise to speak to you. They say that people have 5 senses, but I consider the L. D. S. [Latter-day Saints] have 6. The Lord said when he went he would send a comforter & we understand as the world do not The Lord said, seek earnestly the best gifts, we can scarcely realize how good we have it, for the people here have not the things to contend with that we have in Salt Lake City How humble we need to be, we should try & perfect ourselves by keeping the commandments of God. What a grand thing that we can become joint heirs with Jesus Christ. Spoke of getting our lot fenced & then put in mulberry trees & spoke on home industries spoke of how much the Relief Society have accomplished & also about storing grain & of keeping it when stored We must be united & correct evils & the more united we are the more power we will have with God. spoke of the primary association. Joseph Smith said, it is as natural for a child to love Good as evil but they have to be led into it, not forced [p. 54] encouraged the sisters to braid their own hats & about building a territorial hospital in Salt Lake City & gave the sisters a chance of putting in shares at $10. per shares, said we should raise beans to store & that next fall they thought of giving awards for home manufacture. She said that plural marriage was a revelation from God & a thing to make us happy, said one day we would be glad that the Lord has tried us, for we know He will not do not anything but for our own good, & we have got to be tried as gold

[. . .] [p. 55]

Source Note

Mayfield Ward, Gunnison Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1877–1892), vol. 1 (1877–1882), pp. 54–55, CHL (LR 5358 14).

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Circa May 1879, Mayfield Relief Society; Mayfield, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025