20 October 1884

Huntsville Relief Society; Huntsville, Utah Territory

[. . .] Sis Eliza R Snow Smith said to some it may seem strange that sisters have to take such prominent positions Joseph Smith said when ever the church of god was fully established these societies had an existence he often visited their meetings giving instructions to the women for he knew A great work had to be done by them. the salvation of souls should be of the greatest importance them days we did not have to invite sisters to attend meetings but as time advances we are so taken up with the things of the world that we forget god gives us these things & many times use them to abuse our bodies with this is displeasing to our father we should learn to use for the building up of gods Kingdom then all other things will come right along Spoke on the Mothers sphere how the spirit of god will glow in her heart when she studys the principles of the gospel she will be found at her post wereevr [wherever] duty calls her it is necessary that we be lives [live] members god requires us to use every effort within our reach to progress in the knowlege of god we have made covenanits [covenants] we have made with god to do this if A sister becomes dull & stuped [stupid] to her membership she would to god she could waken her up she felt that mothers above all others need to attend meetings her monotous [monotonous] life needs the comforting influence of god Sisters that think their trials is more than they can bare go to god he knows all your desires & feelings. if we are not tried we are not of much worth for he will purify our hearts untill we put away all selfish feelings Joseph Smith said the R S [Relief Society] would be one of the most glourious [glorious] institutions that was in the church spoke of storing grain she spoke of our children being celestial beings they belong to the hig[h]est glory & how do we use these gifts sent to comforts us & when we lay them away as the greatest treasures how should we live [p. 95] to be worthy of them spoke of the temple work & the efforts we should use to do that work the prophet said the day would come when A man would stand in holy places to give names through the Urim & thumin [thummim] of those we cannot get ourselves she pronounced many blessings on the Societies [. . .] [p. 96]

Source Note

Huntsville Ward, Ogden Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1867–1973), vol. 4 (1882–1889), pp. 95–96, CHL (LR 3975 14).

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20 October 1884, Huntsville Relief Society; Huntsville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1884/10/1884-10-20