14 November 1876

Bountiful Relief Society; Bountiful Tabernacle, Bountiful, Utah Territory

Tabernacle in Bountiful, Utah, circa 1900

Tabernacle in Bountiful, Utah, circa 1900. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow spoke as follows My Sisters The Lord has called us out of Babylon, he has said come out of her my People, that we may not partake of her plagues well have we come here to work and toil, we might as well have staid [stayed] in Babylon. Has God called us together [p. 98] for this purpose. Jesus said to his Disciples come, and he made them Missionaries. When I look at the labors of the People, I think they have concluded to go fishing, are we a self sustaining People, we work hard well what are we doing. Oh we are trying to make ourselves comfortable. If we do not look out, we will miss the object We have come together for what purpose, we have come here to Build up the Kingdom of God, if we don’t look out we shall come short. We shall go to the Kingdom of God as poor as Job[’]s cat, and loose our reward. Well do we not my Sisters hold a portion of the Priesthood,1 with the Brethren, well are we doing all we can, a few of us are, but can we do the work of all. No, we are to be rewarded, according to our works. It is nescesary that we should put our shoulders together, that we should be United, let each one of us lay it to heart. Now the Sisters, are called upon, by Revalation to lay up grain, than let us put away that narrow contracted Spirit, let us rise above it, let us put away the Spirit of strife. It will take every effort we can make to carry out the counsels given to us. The Priesthood of God expect a great deal from us, for we were created for help mates. Now shall we go to our homes, and say, now this is all I can do. No. It was reserved for Noble Spirits to come forth in these days, we hold forth Noble and Higher duties, than the Women of the world. Now in regard to laying up grain can we do it without the help of the Brethren, every wife is a Counselor to her Husband, than she has a right to counsel, but not to dictate. Now your Store or the Womens store, is Organized by the Highest Power on the face of the Earth. It is for the Benefit of Zion, when the President [Brigham Young] spoke to me, he said let those that work in the Store work for Nothing and Board themselves, for as soon as you pay wages, than one will want a little More and another a little more, and so on. She than explained, the Principles it was carried on, told how the Sisters in Salt Lake City were giving Donations to support those that were in need of it, said We want you Sisters to feel it is your store, call when you come to the City, and buy home made, we want to sell every article that is made in Zion.

In regard to raising Silk, we can raise it cheaper [p. 99] than any thing else, if we only try. Perhaps many of you think when called upon to do so, you have more than you can do, we Sisters can do more than we think we can, we can do more in home industry than the brethren can, than let us give up our hold on Babylon. We cleared in the Fair 160 Dollars which we gave for the Temple, now we are selling on Comission, it requires a great deal of care. We expect to buy our goods ourselves bye and bye, we do not wish it to decrease, but increase. My Sisters this is a world of work, there is no time to triffle our time away, our time should be spent for the Benefit of the Kingdom, we want to keep this before our eyes. The Lord reserved a number of noble Spirits to come forth in these last days to accomplish, a great work. Now let <us> realize this. If you Sisters think you can accomplish this by staying at home, you are mistaken and you will find you have missed it. My Sisters when we get on our death Bed, the Question will be have I done my duty. May God Bless those that have the interest of Zion at heart, is my Prayer Amen.

Sister [Elizabeth H.] Barlow made a few appropriate remarks, and thanks the Sisters for meeting with us.

Bishop [Anson] Call said I have been interested in hearing the Sisters speak I know when the Sisters take hold of the interest of Zion, Temples will be erected, and Zion will prosper. I am glad our Sisters have made this Visit My Sisters profit by what you have heard, be united and may the Lord Bless you.

Elder Tilford [John Telford] than [then] said My Sisters let <us> appreciate the good teachings we have received, and follow the instructions that have been given to you be united and you can accomplish a great deal. [. . .] [p. 100]

Source Note

East Bountiful Ward, Davis Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1872–1909), vol. 2 (1875–1883), pp. 98–100, CHL (LR 2399 14), Mary E. Carter, Secretary.

See also Mary E. Carter, “Correspondence,” Woman’s Exponent 5, no. 23 (1 May 1877): 183.

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14 November 1876, Bountiful Relief Society; Bountiful Tabernacle, Bountiful, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1876/11/1876-11-14


  1. [1]See “Priesthood, Relief Society, and Women” in Historical Context.