26 August 1873

Springville Relief Society; Springville Tabernacle, Springville, Utah Territory

Two-story adobe building with quoins on each corner

This building, now often called the Old White Meeting House, was used for church meetings in Springville, Utah Territory, from 1859 until 1928. This photograph was taken circa 1880–1900. (Used by permission, Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Springville Pioneer Museum.)

[. . .]

Some verses composed by Bro. Wm. [William] Clegg congratulatory to Sister Snow on her return from Palistine were read by the Secretary

Sister <Snow> addressed the Audiance at some length giving a pleasing descriptive account of her Journeyings to and from Palistine Showing the Mighty Hand of God in behalf of herself and those Ascociateed [associated] with her in answer to the Prayers of many faithful Friends. such expression of kindness makes me feel very humble, found no community in the World who Preached the Gospel, Sisters we are to be Saviours to the People, we do realize the importance of our Calling in this Society to be Teachers in this society is an honorable calling it is no begging institution that is a Mistake. Bro Joseph Smith said it was to save Souls it is Woman to stamp the Character of Nations Woman have as much to do as men. the Mother forms the Child and gives it right or wrong Principles, no one can be a Saint of God without the Comforter to inspire and Instruct them let us not leave the first Principles, nor let our hearts and affections, be taken from the work of the Lord to take care of our riches it makes my Heart-Ache to see the Children neglected the Children of the Saints are not taught as they should be, the Parents think they are Born in zion and Heirs of the Priesthood they are not taught the Gospel [p. 125] this is too general among the Saints a few years ago Precident [President Brigham] Young wanted us to arraing [arrange] the young Girls into Societies to hold Meetings to commence with his own Family told me which to make Precident and Councellors which I did, but the Mothers did not attend to their meetings and hold on to their Itegratity [integrity], it faild to a great extent but some kept on their Meetings no need to say to them do not follow after the Gentiles they sing, pray, and speak under the Influence of the Spirit of God.

I wish the Mothers to take hold of this thing do we realize we are the Daughters of Him we often neglect our Meeting thro our increse is their not power in ourselves to guard against evil begin early with our Children train them to honesty you have the Maulding [molding] of them, if you want your sons to be Honorable and Noble don’t govern them by Fear, teach them to Fear God, that his Eye is over them, speak polite to your Children, teach them to be polite at home, there is a great of rudeness in our Children Joseph Smith said the time would come when all would <be> laid upon the Alter

Sisters go forward in your duty and the Lord will enable you to do a grater [greater] work and you will improve all the time, we must not fight against plural marriage they that honour that <principle> will be honourd every woman should be a member of this Society, who will take heed to each others interests, we have to unite if we ever intend to arrive to Celestial Glory, It is the duty of Teachers [p. 126] to be Saviours, to have the Spirit of God with them, if you have you will know what Spirit reigns in that house, seek to God for disernment, if their is a duty made known to you dont doubt God will help you to fulfil it live up to your Privilidges to hold a posision [position] in the Church, get a Class of Students to practice for Phycians [Physicians] let us rise up and be Saints indeed, and work up to the rule of Jesus Christ, the destroyer is on the way try to make your Mark of <on> the Earth.

[. . .]

Bishop [William] Bringhurst said I am pleased and instructed by the remarks of Sister Snow

[. . .] [p. 127]

Source Note

Springville Ward, Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1871–1892), vol. 1 (1871–1874), pp. 125–27, CHL (LR 8674 14); Hannah H. Carter, Secretary.

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26 August 1873, Springville Relief Society; Springville Tabernacle, Springville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1873/08/1873-08-26