5 August 1868
Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward Relief Society; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward meetinghouse and assembly hall, circa 1890. (Courtesy Church History Library.)
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Sr. Eliza Snow arose & said—as our Prestss. [Presidentess Mary Isabella H. Horne] had kindly invited her to make a few remarks, she would endeavor to do so. Did not know as she had anything particular to say, but by the Spirit of the Lord she would try to address us.
She could see there had been a great improvement in numbers, since her last visit; & by report she knew that we had added dilligence to dilligence.
There is much required to constitute a Saint of God. As much will is required to make a good faithful saint as is required to constitute the opposite character.
Outside this Church there is nothing to live for. In it we can attain to all excellence.
She was pleased with the familiarity & good feeling manifest here. Had thought while looking about & observing this, what an opportunity there is for frivolous conversation & gossip, & on the opposite what a chance for intelectual improvement.
Our exaltation or damnation will depend upon the manner in which we improve our oppor[p. 27]tunities & advantages. There is great danger of running into enthusiasm; but because of this we should not sit down & do nothing, but be dilligent.
Joseph [Smith] said we were saved just as far as we as we had obtained the victory over our evil propensities. She was thankful to be thus organized under the Priesthood of God. Had always observed that whenever sisters had organized & endeavored to go ahead without this, they had always got into difficulty. This organization was a check.
Said there was a thousand ways for improvement—in education, housework, needlework & & many other things. Any one who can make a sugjestion to others: any method to make home more pleasant & happy, or our husbands or children more comfortable, would be conferring a benefit, would be doing good.
Wished to suggest that no one was to neglect their home duties to attend the meetings, but if they could learn to economize & thereby gain time, they would be benefitted by so doing.
Was pleased in hearing the minutes read; pleased to hear of the small donations (not that she would not wish some one to donate a thousand dollars) but the small donations showed to her the humility of the sisters. They did not wait a year hence to be able to give sufficient to flatter their pride.
None should leave their children to run about at loose ends & without attention to attend the meeting.
There is a great responsibility resting upon the saints of God. Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, the great blessings which are in store for the faithful saint. A crisis is before us.
Had heard Pres. [Brigham] Young say at three different times, that out of this people shall be chosen those who shall bear off the Kingdom.
Home is the nursery of all that is great & [p. 28] good, or ought to be. ’Tis the mother who makes the future statesman, the future great & noble man.
Let us attain to all that is great & noble & exalting.
There are some sisters who have said (& it made her shiver when she heard it) that they would rather dispense with Celestial glory than to submit to so & so. But it is only by this whereby we can attain to the lives, ’tis only in this that we can obtain to propagation. Better lay aside everything that is dearest, although it tears the heartstrings, better lay everything upon the altar than to forego Celestial Glory. ’Tis true that there is a degree of happiness in another sphere, but only in this that we can attain to be Gods, & Godesses.
The time is fast approaching when dominion is to be given to the saints of God & if the brethren are to become Gods if we progress we shall become Godesses.
Blessed us with all the authority which she possessed, & prayed that we might be dilligent & progress.
Sr. [Margaret T.] Smoot [. . .] thanked God that Sr. Eliza had been spared to counsel & instruct us. She has wisdom & discretion & she has the power of her mission upon her, & she spares no pains to instruct & teach.
[. . .] [p. 29] [. . .]
Sr. Sarah [M.] Kimball [. . .]
While Sr. Snow was speaking, felt drawn out in thankfulness for the organization.
Thanked God for Sr. Eliza, & thought that we should sustain her by our affection & by our faith & prayers. [. . .]
Sr. Snow spoke to the teachers. Some of the people have an idea that the teachers do not come for anything but begging. Wished the teachers to make them particularly understand that their mission is a social one. Sit & converse with them pleasantly & cheer them. Instruct them particularly in those influences which are abroad especially in the Sunday & Day Schools.
Also instruct them concerning our incoming immigration. Spoke of some who had been frightened away by the tales which had been told them by apostates concerning Danites &c &c.
They had since returned, were good people & glad to get back.
Counseled the Teachers not to wait for the monthly time for visiting, but to go to them as soon as they were here, & tell them where they can find good & saving society.
Felt pleased when she heard that Sr. [Phebe W.] Woodruff had been appointed as Presstss. [Presidentess] of the Teachers Quorum, for she is a person who has had much experience. The office of teacher is one which no person is fully qualified to fill: but if [p. 30] they are called, & step forward & try to magnify their calling, they will do right & God will qualify them for it.
When men get to be great (& they have got to be great, for circumstances will crowd them into it) we shall some of us get to be great women, for they must have helpmates.
[. . .] [p. 31]
Source Note
Fourteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1864–1957), vol. 3 (1867–1885), pp. 27–31, CHL (LR 2972 14); Elmina S. Taylor, Secretary.