10 September 1878

Box Elder Stake Relief Society; Brigham City, Utah Territory

[. . .] also others of the priesthood E. R. Snow & all the presidents of R. S.es [Relief Societies] [. . .]

Speakers E. R. Snow

Said we are all new beginers, advised the secritaryes to be particular in making out intellgnly [intelligently] that they may be comprehended by all listeners Be particular to state how much donated to society, what done for poor—for Temples State by what means the property is is procured we have no doubt of the honesty, but we must be come perfection. We want the number of church books, and works. we need no account of the light reading: it will fall into oblivion. how much good you are do[i]ng, state planely Joseph Smith counseled the sisters to do business. We will not go ahead of the brethn [brethren] we will act as helps. The reports please me much. I’v[e] counseled with the breathren, on the organization of the children. We want to fill their minds with good. We send missiona[r]y abraud [abroad], and our children (the children of the Saints) are going to distruction for want of [p. 16] proper training or teaching, many are filling their minds with pride and vanity. certainly children cood [could] care. Implant good principals in their yo[u]ng hearts teach them that they are of importance, and that God is their friend and protector, that they m[a]y have faith when sick. In the first place we want the sanction of the parents as well as the priesthood, to be cooperaters with the[m] is our motto. The little ones will not attend meetings without the approval of the mothers. We have already sujested [suggested] some siss [sisters] for presidents and presiding officers. We want the very best woman in the place. who think more of Zion than themselves. An organization in each ward is necesary.

I met with the children in Ogden city never had better attention paid.

Im happy to meet with this organization now If the Sisters will be humble and united. no danger of the breathren They will

[. . .] [p. 17] [. . .] [pp. 18–20]

[. . .]

Sist E R. Snow

I feel that I am as near heaven as we sisters get I have very much enjoyed the teachings of my sisters that have spoken. What a blessing we can hold sweet communion with the Comforter. We should study good books It is necesary that we learn all good and intelligent things. and they should be made Known for the general good. What we learn an[d] Know will come to our minds when needed. this will prove a blessing. if we live in the manner that is for good and obedient I have not been doing as much good as I might God ezigns [designs] that we sisters live above the little [p. 21] friveouslous [frivolous] things of this world.

I sorry to hear that a few are to get the prize the workers are to gain the reward Prest try to persuade the sisters to attend meetings to get their prize the Lord has for them. Our energies require much attention to the Spiritual duties.

We will complete the Stake board organzd [organized] Presented by E. R. Snow [. . .] Also proceeding to organize pr[i]mary associ[a]tions [. . .]

Prest L. [Lorenzo] Snow

I think the time spent short I would not feel at all satisfied to leave with out word in praise [p. 22] of the great work the sisters are doing and also atribute [a tribute] of thanks to our sister E. R. Snow for her dilligence and perseverance. [. . .] [p. 23]

Source Note

Box Elder Stake (1877–1944), Relief Society Minutes and Records (1857–1944), vol. 4 (1878–1890), pp. 16–23, CHL (LR 933 14).

See also “Returned,” Deseret News 27, no. 33 (18 Sept. 1878): 521.

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10 September 1878, Box Elder Stake Relief Society; Brigham City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/09/1878-09-10-a