16 May 1878

Marriott Relief Society; Marriott Schoolhouse, Marriott [Marriott-Slaterville], Utah Territory

[. . .] President [Ann Bickington] said I am pleased to see so many of our brethren and sisters present. The Prest then called upon Sister Eliza R. Snow to adress the meeting. She commenced by remarking that we had learned that our brethren cannot save us, we have to be saved by obedience, for the Lord can not save us without obedience. The brethren are as much interested in making the R. S. a success as the sisters.

Joseph Smith said the organisation of the church was not complete without the R. S. But some of our sisters do not realize it. The first R. S. was organised by revelation from the Lord, to Joseph Smith, and the second was as much by revelation. If the Women in Zion do not receive more here than the Gentile Women, we may as well remain in the world. Father Joseph Smith [Sr.] the Prest of the Stake in Kirtland,1 made a practice of going into the Temple before sunrise, and continuing there till after 4. o-clock in the afternoon, and we never thought of being hungry or thirsty we were so full of the spirit of the Lord. Every saint of the Lord who lives their religion need their spirit reffreshed often to enable them to do their duty and be wise councillors to their husbands, that is, they will be enabled to do better if the[y] are instructed properly.

The first prominent duty the R. S. are called upon to do is to look after the poor, and to save souls, and a record is kept and you will get a reward. We are called upon to sustain Home Industries as much as possible. [p. 96]

Sister Snow said I can preach Home made, well to-day for my dress is mostly made from the Elements of Utah: Well what can we do? We can raise silk. I have done harder work than planting out Mulberry Trees. The Sisters of Box Elder have set out thousands of mulberry cuttings in their gardens, and they have faith, when the cuttings are large enough, that they can obtain land to plant them in.

And their is another duty that the sisters are called upon to perform and that is to lay up grain for a day of famine. If the young sisters would take this in hand to make willow baskets, you have plenty of beautiful willows here, why can not some of the young ladies take hold of this business, and make willow baskets, to help to sustain Zion. Sister called a vote to see if the young ladies of Marriott desired to be organised into a Mutual Improvement Association. The[y] signified their approval by vote; Whereupon It was moved and seconded that Sister Anne E. Madsen be Prest of the Y. L. M. I. A. Carried Sister Snow said I will give the Young Sisters some council it is expected that the young ladies will be subject to the Bishop and the authorities of the place, also the R. S. will be subject to the Authorities of this place. The young ladies can do considerable towards reforming the young men. The first thing we thought of when we came here was bread & butter, and the next thing was Schools, and the Young had no spiritual training, and what to do we did not know till the Lord revealed it to Prest [Brigham] Young by his counsel we were organised, we were laughed at, and ridiculed without mercy, but, we continued to organise, notwithstanding the opposition and we suceeded, and the Young ladies improved wonderfully. It was then moved and seconded that Ann T. Parry be first, and Mary Ann Joyce as second counsellor. Carried. Motion that Nancy M. Tracy act as Secretary. Carried. Motion that Matilda Halvorson act as assistant Sec. Carried. Motion that Eliza Melling act as Treasurer. Carried. The young ladies then gave their names to be admitted as members of the Association, in number 24. Sister Snow gave some good timed councils to the young, she said the smallest girl here to-day holds a more important position than Queen Victoria.

[. . .] Bishop [James] Ritchie being called upon, said [. . .] [p. 97] [. . .] I pray that the blessing of the Lord may be upon the Sisters who have visited us to-day. Amen.

Sister [Adeline K.] Belnap [. . .] hoped the young Ladies would treasure up all that had been said by Sister Snow. [. . .] [p. 98]

Source Note

Marriott Ward, Farr West Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1869–1973), vol. 2 (1874–1886), pp. 96–98, CHL (LR 5304 14).

See also Elizabeth Davis, “The Sisters’ Visit North,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 1 (1 June 1878): 3.

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16 May 1878, Marriott Relief Society; Marriott Schoolhouse, Marriott [Marriott-Slaterville], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/05/1878-05-16


  1. [1]It is unclear why Snow would refer to Joseph Smith Sr. as the president of the Kirtland stake, as that office was held by Joseph Smith Jr. However, Joseph Smith Sr. did hold several significant callings in Kirtland, including church patriarch and assistant president of the church. As an assistant president of the church, Joseph Smith Sr. appears to have helped preside over the high council in Kirtland; he was commonly referred to as a “president” in Kirtland. Joseph Smith Sr.’s brother John Smith was appointed in January 1836 as president of the Kirtland high council and later as a member of the Kirtland stake presidency, so it is not impossible Snow was referring to him. (See “Smith, Joseph, Sr.,” and “Smith, John,” Biographical Entries, Joseph Smith Papers website, josephsmithpapers.org.)