5 September 1881

Wellsville Primary; Wellsville, Utah Territory

1881 Organization of The Primary Association of Wellsville Cache County Utah

Organized by Sister E R Snow Smith [. . .]

1st Sist [Sister] Snow asked; what is Heaven’s first Law (answer) Order— said this was the Childrens Meeting— When President Joseph Smith lived he said it was requisite to have Primary Meetings— that the children might learn to bear their testimonies that they might have the Spirit of God— said after a while the children would hold a fair to exhibit the fruits of their labor— gave a synopsis of a Meeting held in Morgan County said the childrens Mothers there gave them their Sunday eggs to help the Primary Association— said it would call out their faith in God and their inventive powers— asked if God saw & heard all we said and done— (answer/— yes all the time) said when Christ was upon the earth he loved little children— said God heard the childrens prayers and hoped they would pray and when others prayed to say Amen.

Sist. Snow then asked if they wished to be organized (yes) [. . .]

Sist Snow then explained the duties of each Officer & exhorted all to be dilligent and

we should be surprised at how much good we should acomplish. she wanted the children to all learn to sing [. . .] [p. 14]

Source Note

Wellsville Ward, Cache Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1881–1972), vol. 1 (1881–1891), p. 14, CHL (LR 10009 18).

See also “Logan and Ogden Conferences,” Woman’s Exponent 10, no. 8 (15 Sept. 1881): 60.

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5 September 1881, Wellsville Primary; Wellsville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/09/1881-09-05