18 September 1878

Tooele Stake Relief Society; Tooele, Utah Territory

The fowling [following] Ladies ar[r]ived from Salt Lake city to organise the branches of the Reliefe Society in Tooele County in a Stake capacity Miss Eliza R. Snow Mrs Zina D Young Mrs Elizbeth [Elizabeth A.] Howard Mrs. E [Emmeline] B Wells Mrs E L [Elizabeth L.] Thomas

[. . .] Mrs Mary Mickljohn [Meiklejohn] introdused Mrs Eliza R Snow who arose and said by request I will endeavour to speak what the spirit of god may dictate and proseeded to show what the life of a true Latterday Saint should be not living after the man[n]ers of the wourld [world] but living for Zion god has called us out from the wourld and we are hairs [heirs] to the gifts and blessings and we are plased [placed] upon a plane has much higher then we where [were] before has [as] the heavens are above the earth we have expected our husbands and fathers to save us but we realize now that if we ever a[t]tain an exaltation we will have to earn it and spoke at some length upon the need of the sisters being fellow helpers with the Bretheren in carrying out the Revilations [revelations] of god that have been given through Joseph Smith

felt that it is necessary that we begin to learn to do every thing properly and also to understand that the Knowledge we atain to in this wourld will be our wealth in the future made some remarks on home manufacture the raising of Silk and the very great importance of Laying up wheat [. . .] [p. 1]

Source Note

Tooele Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1971), vol. 1 (1878–1921), p. 1, CHL (LR 9215 14).1

See also Tooele Ward, Tooele Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1870–1913), vol. 1 (1870–1882), p. 120, CHL (LR 9216 14).

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18 September 1878, Tooele Stake Relief Society; Tooele, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/09/1878-09-18


  1. [1]The minutes record 19 September 1877 as the date of this meeting. The minutes of subsequent meetings, however, suggest that this meeting occurred 18 September 1877.