16 March 1877

Springville Relief Society; Springville Meetinghouse, Springville, Utah Territory

Two-story adobe building with quoins on each corner

This building, now often called the White Meeting House, was used for church meetings in Springville, Utah Territory, from 1859 until 1928. This photograph was taken circa 1880–1900. (Used by permission, Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Springville Pioneer Museum.)

[. . .]

Sister Eliza [R. Snow] Young addressed the meeting says the organization of R. Societies is sacred. organize according to revelation by Joseph Smith in order to prepare us to do more good than we otherwise could have done. The early records show the society to be poor, but there was a great deal of good accomplished with they could command. Looking after the poor is one of the first duties of our societies, and one of the most important. It is a heavenly mission. Joseph Smith said also it would result in the saving of souls, how much we can accomplish in that direction we do not know. The books will tell that but we must keep ourselves in the line of our duty Zion will never be free while we are clothed in Babylonish garments. we sing that Zion is free, but when we sing we should draw our veils, we do not realize our responsibility or the great amount of duties resting upon us, we must work out our own salvation, be united in our efforts be determined to rise above selfishness, lay aside our love of the things of this world, put off the things of Babylon, and wear Zions garments. The sisters in the city have a store with home manufactured goods, no goods but those made by our own hands are sold there it is exclusively supplied with our home industries. We must free ourselves from the longing after the things of Babylon, let us be faithful prayerful and punctual, that reminds me in regard to our meetings which should always be commenced at the appointed time if there are only two or three present and I would say to our Retrenchment Association be punctual. I would say to the mothers do not let your work keep your daughters from their meetings, remind them of their duties it will result in the greatest good. [p. 22]

Their eternal salvation depends upon their faithfulness their mental culture must be attended to in order to prepare them for future usefulness. those who attend meetings are happier feel more awake to the principles of our religion, more of a kindly feeling to help them along in their home duties. May God add his Holy Spirit at all time Pray in the name of Jesus Amen

Sister Percinda Kimbal [Presendia H. Kimball] arose says Sister E. has touched upon almost every subject [. . .]

Sister Eliza then blessed the Sisters in the gift of tongues, and Sister Kimbal gave the following interpretation—Beloved Sisters, We have met in the capacity of a relief society—Be united and there is no good which you cannot accomplish be faithful and you shall be blessed with every blessing you shall have power to influence your children to do right, and, they shall rise up and call you blessed, for the good instruction you have given them [p. 23] To Bishop [William] Bringhurst she said, You shall have more influence in your ward, and the power of God shall be with you in counseling your family. so shall your heart be comforted, and be made to rejoice the principles of Righteousness—

To Sister [Cynthia] Clyde she says, The Spirit of God shall give you strength and ability to perform every duty and your health shall improve and the spirit of your office and calling shall be with you continually—To the counsellors. Be humble and prayerful, so shall you be blessed of the Lord and be approved of Him all things—

To the secretary [Hannah Carter]. The rich blessings of Heaven be with you, that your fingers may become nimble that you may write and not become weary, that you may be wise have the Spirit of the Lord to help you to impart instruction to the young, neve[r] become weary in well doing, the spirit shall be with you to help you to accomplish every good in all your Offices. Amen.

[. . .] Sister Clyde is very thankful for the visit of our sisters hope we will all try and live nearer to God that the blessings may be ours. Amen

[. . .] [p. 24]

Source Note

Springville Ward, Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1871–1892), vol. 3 (1876–1881), pp. 22–24, CHL (LR 8674 14).

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16 March 1877, Springville Relief Society; Springville Meetinghouse, Springville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1877/03/1877-03-16