24 March 1870

Salt Lake City First Ward Relief Society; First Ward Schoolhouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .] The Sisters of the 1st Ward of Salt Lake City, met in the School Room of said Ward, for the purpose of being instructed and haveing the Female Relief Society reorganized according to the true order. There was present at the Meeting Bishop Henry Moon, & and his two Councilars Sisson A Chase sen. and Joseph Warburton. Also Eliza R. Snow & sister [Sarah M.] Kimball, who were acquainted with the true organization of Female Relief Societies as instituted by Joseph Smith the Prophet. [. . .]

The Chairman [Henry Moon] then arose and said he was glad to se[e] the Sisters come together to be instructed and organized into a Female Relief Society according to the true order, and as he was not <well> acquainted with that order himself he requested Eliza R. Snow who did understand the order, to take hold and assist in organizing the Society in a propper manner.

Sister E. R. Snow, then arose and said she was pleased to meet with her sisters in the 1st Ward. She made some preliminary remarks and then moved that Sister Miriam S. [G.] Chase, be the President of the Female Relief Society of the 1st Ward S. L. [Salt Lake] City, seconded and carried unanimously. She also moved that Julia A. Adams, be her first Councillor, and Sidney [B.] Thayne her second Councillor, which was seconded and carried unanimously.

She then made a motion that Sarah Julia Bement be the Secretary of this Society, & Jane Elizabeth Vantassell [Van Tassell] be assistant Secretary, which was seconded and carried by a clear vote.

Bishop Henry Moon & Councillors then proceeded to ordain the President and her Councillors to the office where unto they had been appointed. [. . .] [p. 1]

Eliz R Snow then made a motion that Miriam [C.] Hawkins be the Treasurer of this Society, which was seconded and carried. Eliza R. Snow requested the Sec., S. J. Bement to read the names of the Teachers of the old organization [. . .]

Sister Snow said if no one had any objections to the above named sisters still retaining their standing as members of the Society, she moved that they be voted in according to order, no objections being raised the move was seconded and carried by a clear vote. Here an opportunity was given for those who were not members to become so if they wished [. . .]

Eliza R Snow then enquired if any one could reccommend the above named Sisters as being good worthy members of the Church if so she motioned they be voted in as members of the Society, wherefore they being known by their Friends and Neighbors around them they were all reccommended as being worthy, the motion was seconded and carried by a clear vote.

[. . .] [p. 2] [. . .]

Eliza R. Snow said she had a desire to instruct her sisters in the things that pertain to their well-being, and she advised them to live their Religion, to seek after the true Spirit of God, that they might be able to instruct one annother and she wished them to step forward take hold and be energetic in the cause of Truth. Not to be Slothfull and dull but be alive, liveing members of the Church and Kingdom of God. Able to instruct, able to teach, and able to take the part assigned to them and carry it on in a dignified manner.

This re-organization said she will be the means of doing the Sisters much good, you are now set right, and I desire you to be always on hand ready to do good, and the Angels of God will help you live your Religion, and you will grow happy as you grow old. The ideas of some that when people get old their days of happiness and joy are past is a mistake, the true Saint of God grows happy as they advance in years.

The Office of a Teacher in this Society is an important calling, remember that you are called of God to act in a position where you can do much good if you conduct your-self in a manner that is [p. 3] justifiable in the sight of your Father who is in Heaven.

The spirit of opposition to the truth, should always be met and overcome by the spirit of meekness and love.

Talk not about your Neighbors, dont spend your time in idle gossip, but speak often one to annother in the spirit of meekness and love, seek to live so that your bodies may be fit Temples for the Holy Spirit to dwell in.

She said she fully endorsed the sentiments of sister Kimball that the Wife should never speak evil of her Husband before her Children, for if she repudiates her Husband she repudiates herself. She requested the Sisters not to run after the Fashions and Customs of the Gentiles, but take the revelations of God for their guide, and as much as possible to let the adornment of their bodies be the workmanship of their own hands. Listen to the teachings of the Holy Spirit, and the instructions of the Servants of God, and put them in practice and all will be well with you amen

Bishop Henry Moon said he was well pleased with the remarks of the Sisters, said their teachings were the very best, and he earnestly hoped the Sisters of the 1st Ward would remember what had been said to them, and put it in practice and live to it.

Said he did not wish to say much to divert the attention of their minds from what had been said to them, but hoped the Sisters would proffit by the instructions they had this day recieved.

[. . .] [p. 4]

Source Note

First Ward, Park Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1870–1973), vol. 2 (1870–1893), pp. 1–4, CHL (LR 2871 14); Sisson A. Chase Sr., Clerk.

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24 March 1870, Salt Lake City First Ward Relief Society; First Ward Schoolhouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1870/03/1870-03-24