29 October 1869

American Fork Ward Relief Society; American Fork Meetinghouse, American Fork, Utah Territory

[. . .] Present Eliza R Snow and Zina [D. H.] Young [. . .] the society was temporary Organized January 7th 1868 by Bishop L [Leonard] E Harrington—

And was permanatly Organized October 29th 1868 Sisters E. R. Snow and Sarah M. Kimball Present

[. . .] [p. 28] [. . .]

Sister E R Snow arose to address the congregation expressed her delicacy in riseing before these her brethren and it was for the good she thought she could do that she took upon herself this great responsibility, but remarked that we are all called to be actors upon this great stage of existence &c

Said it put her in mind of what Joseph Smith told the society in Nauvoo it was not only to help the poor but to save souls; we can do more in an organized capacity than any other way, it places us ahead of the world but not ahead of our brethren; and it is a great labor for the Females to relieve the poor, but by sodoing [so doing] we relieve the Bishop of a great many cares.

Exhorted the sisters not to be looking back to the world for fashions &c. but try and aim for heaven, and the Lord would reveal his mind and will to us as fast as we are able to receive it. [p. 29]

Illustrated the order of Co-operation in all its beauties, and the females could do a good deal in forwarding the cause &c. Also said it was a grievous thing to think that some of our sisters would go to Salt Lake City and trade with our enemies, thinking that they can get goods cheaper &c. but showed the necessity of our trying to retain the Spirit of God that we may not fall by the way.

In looking upon my sisters I see the daughters of eve, and we posess the germ of becomeing queens in the Eternal worlds, also when we are in the path of our duty we are happy; then let us be up and doing, for we increase our labors by being slothfull.

To be saints we must keep every law of riteousness and remember our Prayrs before God, who is the fountain of all riches and blessings.

Said we may be placed in circumstances where we would have to use a great deal of wisdom, and if we find our feelings aroused control them, and hold our peace; then we will have the spirit of our calling.

Spoke lengthy upon the subject of baptism for the dead, and home manefacture, also the word of wisdom &c

Also spoke encourageingly to the sisters on celestial marriage, said without this principal we could not be prepared for a celestial glory, our children go to a celestial kingdom, and we would not like to go where there is no children; then for the sake of this short life of ours let us not come short of the blessings, but hold fast of the rod of iron, and live by every word <of> Gods commandments; also watch and pray that we may not be overcome.

Then prayed that God would bless the faithfull and [p. 30] closed her remarks.

Sister Zina D Young then arose and bore her testimony to the truth of sisters Snows, remarks. [. . .]

Several of the brethren being present Bishop L E Harrington and others said that they felt <like> giving a hearty amen to all that had been spoken by the sisters and wished the female relief societies throughout <the> teritory a grand success.

Hoped that all present would not forget the valuable instruction they had heard &c hoped that all would remain faithfull was their Prayr

[. . .] [p. 31]

Source Note

American Fork Ward, Alpine Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1901), vol. 1 (1868–1880), pp. 28–31, CHL (LR 10636 14); Elizabeth B. Eastmond, Secretary.

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29 October 1869, American Fork Ward Relief Society; American Fork Meetinghouse, American Fork, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1869/10/1869-10-29