7 August 1879

Clifton Relief Society; Clifton, Idaho Territory

On the stand from a broad Sis. E. R. Snow M. I. Horn [Mary Isabella Horne] S. M. Haywood [Serepta M. Heywood] & S. [Sarah] M. Kimball. [. . .] [p. 165] [. . .] [p. 166] [. . .]

Sister Snow then arsoe. She thought many of the Saints were a sleep [p. 167] said our duties, as saints, reached beyond the veil; they reach extend in to our home duties. We should have the Spirit of God to our home duties and <in> all that we do th[r]ough life. Said tho in all we do, we were required to do with an eye single to the His Glorry. When we were babtised we were to farsake the world and made an agreement to work and thought we were requi[ink blot] [required] to work phisically as well a mentally thought the saints should quit praying for Bab<a>lom [Babylon] to fall untill they were better prepared to live independent of it, just as many as were clothed in Babalonish clothing, just so many were slaves to Bab<a>lon She had heard here to night, that one a few had adcomplished what was done She thought if she could say any thing to stir [p. 168] the sleeping sisters up to a sense of their duties, she would woo feel well paid for her labor. Said where ever there was an organization & Bishop there should al so [also] be an Relief Society organized. The duty of the R. S. was to look after the poor and to help the Bishop also If all the sisters could not meet often, those who could should meet often and by so doing they could all be benefitted when they could come. said every person who knew this was the Kingdom of God had received a testimoney from God. Sa[i]d we should keep the S[p]irit of God continually in our hearts Said did realize we were the daughters of the most high God? said we should keep this in view so we could be prepareing ourselves to meet and assosiate with Holy Beings [p. 169] Said the faithful feared the Lord the Lord would be numbered with His Jewels in the day of judgement. Said when the first Relief Society was organized Sis. Emma Smith was ordained president.

Said if we would remember always that we were <are> the daughters of God we would not stoop to do a dis honorable thing but would seek to keep our selves pure & stainless before Him. Said each one of us possesed ther germ to be come goddesses and we should cultivate that germ and nourish it. Said she was well pleased with the spirit of the meeting. Said wives should be councelors to their husbands but not the head, She was glad to know the young Ladies [p. 170] were organized & hope they appreciated their privaleges. thought it was a good sign s[e]eing so many out to night. Said if the Bretheren and sisters wished, they would organize the children in a Primary Assosiation. She was glad to meet with the sister of Clifton as it was her visit <to> in this place. She hoped her visit would accomplish some good. She exhorted the sisters to diligence and to acknowledge the hand of God in all things It was better to suffer wrong than to do wrong. She hoped we might all in the light & hold out faithful to the end

[. . .] [p. 171]

Source Note

Clifton Ward, Oneida Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1869–1956), vol. 1s (1869–1880), pp. 165–171, CHL (LR 1789 14).

See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 5 (1 Aug. 1879): 36; “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 8 (15 Sept. 1879): 61; and “Women Workers,” Deseret Evening News 28, no. 27 (6 Aug. 1879): 425.

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7 August 1879, Clifton Relief Society; Clifton, Idaho Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/08/1879-08-07