19 December 1872

Plain City Relief Society; Plain City, Utah Territory

Sister Snow favord us with a visit [. . .]

Sister Snow the[n] spoke to us, she said that we as Sisters were an equal with the Bretheren She said the the organiseation of the Releif Sociey is a very important one, and much more than is genraly understood, that we had been orgainised with a relief Society in Navo [Nauvoo] by Br Joseph Smith, and then he said it was then organised and that from that time it was to continue, for time, that the sisters were then held in the society untill they proved that they were not found to be morall Characters, if they were found to be guilty of crime they were then delt with. said that Br Joseph done much for us as Sisters in the Society he told them the that he was going to Leave them and that he should not be long with them and he would leave the powers with the Sisters and the Broth [Brethren?] Said she was very pleased with the meeting at Harrisville said that the reason that they had so much Success was owi[n]g to the faithfulness of the Sisters. said that the Sisters did not realise the power that depended on them and that we could not be exalted without this power. said she did not mean that authority that was not very pleasing in the sight of God and the Savior but to have that humble kind Spirit. [n.p.]

Spoke of a certain Sister in Salt Lake City who had neglected her Spiritual duties for that of this world and her wise work for her dear Children, but that she had died and left her family, and they had not any faith in the Gospel and all her work was in vain. she would have given much for her life then she would have attende[d] to her meeting it is so much easier to attend to these duties she said that we must not fear if our hard Labors was not appreciated, for there are other Records kept besides these outward singns [signs] said that if the Bretheren wanted another wife it must not be lisped in derision let not our lips be found to utter a word against it but let the Sisters be all very carefull that we do not do it.

Said that she would not chenge places with Queen Victoria Said she wished to be fo[u]nd making her Exaltation sure, and that she would not thr[o]w away her knowledge for all the world. it was very different in the day that she enterd into poligamy, in Na[u]voo but that she could see more beauty and power now than then in all these things we shall be blessd spoke of the gifts of the Spirit of God, faith and Love and and all these good things. that all the good we do must be done with the good all the Sisters do must be recorded by the Sectary [Secretary] to keep a faithfull record of all that is done by the Society, that the Teachers must not consider that they are to do nothing but beg. they have [n.p.] much to do and that they must have much patience an Love and many will receive them but some will not, be so but that their bosoms must be large to take those that may be cold. She blessed the sisters and said that the Sisters must speak to each others she Loved the Sisters and is proud of them.

[. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Plain City Ward, Farr West Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 1 (1868–1877), n.p., CHL (LR 6982 14).

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19 December 1872, Plain City Relief Society; Plain City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1872/12/1872-12-19