15 September 1875
Ogden Young Folks; Ogden City Hall, Ogden, Utah Territory

Ogden City Hall, circa 1866–1906, Ogden, Utah Territory. Photograph by Charles R. Savage.
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Sisters [Jane S.] Richards said she felt pleased to see Sisters Snow and [Mary Isabella] Horne and also Bishop [Lorin] Farr [p. 17] in our midst, and would be pleased to hear from them.
Sister Snow then arose and said that she thought that obedience was one grand principle of our religion, and hoped that the young people of Ogden would be prayerful, thuthful [truthful] and faithful at all times, and obedient to those who may be placed over them, and endeavor to sustain their good reputation by Keeping the commandments of God. [. . .] [p. 18]
Source Note
Ogden 4th Ward, Ogden Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1879–1973), vol. 2 (1886–1903), pp. 17–18, CHL (LR 6394 18); Mattie Brown, Secretary.