10 December 1884

Box Elder Stake Young Ladies; Box Elder Stake Tabernacle, Brigham City, Utah Territory

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Sis. E. R. S. Smith spoke of the importance that should be attached to the present audience if we could value souls as God does: we would feel that there are many present. Said the work of the Lord is progressing: spoke of this growth & opposition to it. “Do not fear this opposition: God suffers His people to be tried. To the Y. L. [Young Ladies], you will have the privilege of attaining to all that your parents have through trial & persecution: your sphere of action will be larger, for the work is enlarging. Referred to the persecution of the saints in Missouri. Said God over rules all things for good to those who remain firm. Thought school-teachers would refuse to let the Y. L. leave school to attend conference needed converting to the spirit. The truths of the Gospel are greater than book-learning. We should thank God for these organizations. Asked God’s blessings on all.

[. . .] [p. 236] [. . .]

Sis. E. R. S. Smith we want to do as near right as possible. Advised being honest in voting. Presented Hattie [C.] Jensen as 2nd Coun. in the Stake Board of the Y. L. M. I. A. [Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association] Sustained. Spoke of the power of faith being present here. Many good practical remarks have been made, that are good for both old and young. “Cleave to the Lord, the adversary is on the alert; he knows in what ways we can improve. Said many young ladies, when they become mothers withdraw from these Asso [Associations]: this I regret, for they need this spiritual food. In studying the history of Nations, we see that where woman is degr[a]ded, the nation is degraded, crumbles & is often obliterated. We want women to be elevated, & be self reliant where their virtue is concerned. In forming your characters, don’t copy after someone else, but become acquainted with God & his precepts, & live by them. [p. 237] Study the Bk of Mormon & Doc. & Cov. & learn what He requires of you. Be prayerful always. Explained that the church of J. C. [Jesus Christ ] of L. D. S. [Latter-day Saints] is one thing & the Kingdom of God another—the latter we might say will be our political government, ruling in justice & righteousness & protecting all. Said she had had an experience or foretaste of how we will be, when we are thus united. Spoke of deaths being sweet to a saint; “there is always someone to go with us when we die.” related an instance. Spoke of the great apostasy prophesied to take place among the L. D. S. in the valleys of the mountains. Desired the Y. L. to always bear in mind that improvement is our motto & perfection, our aim. Asked God’s blessings on all

[. . .] [p. 238]

Source Note

Box Elder Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875–1944), vol. 1 (1875–1891), pp. 236–238, CHL (LR 933 17).

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10 December 1884, Box Elder Stake Young Ladies; Box Elder Stake Tabernacle, Brigham City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1884/12/1884-12-10