17 June 1884
Cottonwood Young Ladies; Cottonwood Ward Meetinghouse, Cottonwood [Cottonwood Heights], Utah Territory

Cottonwood First Ward meetinghouse, circa 1915. Courtesy Church History Library.
[. . .] Sister Eliza addressed the young ladies. She urged them to lay a foundation for future life and happiness, by becoming good house keepers; entreated them to be practically useful, as well as to learn accomplishments, and to prepare themselves for the great work that lay before them; attend to their meetings, and seek to attain to excellence in all things truly noble and elevating.
[. . .]
[. . .] Sister Eliza R. S. Smith made some explanations in regard to a reorganization of the Y. L. M. I. A. [Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association], and presented the resignation of the President, Mrs. Annie [M.] Thompson, to be voted upon. The resignation was accepted, and the following officers were proposed, and a unanimous vote was carried, Sister Eliza officiating in reorganizing [. . .] [p. 21]
Source Note
“Women’s Home Missionary Work,” Woman’s Exponent 13, no. 3 (1 July 1884): 21.