15 June 1884

Salt Lake City Sixteenth Ward Relief Society; Sixteenth Ward Schoolhouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .] Sister E R Snow said she had met with them by Invitation but she must Apoligise for being Late for she despised it but she had to wait for the car she met with the Sisters in Grantsvill[e] yesterday and the house was crowded they was doing well the Bretheren was beginning to Appreciate the Labours of the Sisters and it was Nessersary to the well being of the Church she wished to say to the Sisters in this ward they had A live President and they must follow Suit and as Regards the money they must do the best they could with it she had been to Brigham City and she thought they did the most with the least means she ever saw we need more Medical Students amongst us and she had Laboured hard to bring this about Box Elder had furnished more than any other Stake they got the means somhow we have many duties devolving on u[s] [p. 285] in there Societys and as Mothers and it seems our Labours are Miltiplying and perhaps they will Continue till we see the Hypocrite and Sinner in Zion Afarid [Afraid] but they are not much Afraid now we should be Alive and Energetic We have been blest and prospered here we have enough to eat and wear but she Regretted to see what we wear is from Babylon to much it should be of our own make Josepth [Joseph Smith] said the time would come when they would come to Zion for the best Manufactures but that would not be untill the saying had gone forth go up and defile the Sons And daughters of Zion she thought they was doing that now there was there Skateing Rinks and other places where the youth gather and are being exposed to every evil and some Mothers would feed the pigs and Chickens and do all other work and not know where their children was and groups of them would be out late at night when they should be under the Mothers eye for it is Mothers that will Stamp the nation she once had A talk with President [Brigham] Young on that Subject and he said Mothers could do more in that respect than anything else she was the President of the Hospital and she wished to tell them not one of that Board Received any pay for their Services some had got an Idea they was getting rich out of it but that was A Mistake gave much other good Instructions and closed by praying God to bless them with his Spirit for the fruits of that was Love joy and peace no je[a]lousy nor evil Speaking. [. . .] [p. 286]

Source Note

Sixteenth Ward, Riverside Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1968), vol. 2 (1880–1884), pp. 285–286, CHL (LR 8335 14); Sarah Cumberland, Secretary.

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15 June 1884, Salt Lake City Sixteenth Ward Relief Society; Sixteenth Ward Schoolhouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1884/06/1884-06-15-c