4 June 1868
Bountiful Relief Society; Bountiful Tabernacle, Bountiful, Utah Territory
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Prayer by Sister E. R. Snow. Singing “Come let us anew” &c. Sister Snow then arose and gave some very appropriate remarks. Said it did not matter what diffidence we felt we should come forward and do the best we can read the organization Minutes of Female Relief Society organized by Joseph Smith the Prophet—if the sisters did right and fulfilled their duties the Queens of the Earth should pour of their riches to this Society the promises staid good but we should endeavour to do that which is right and put down every appearance of evil or slander: and exhort our Sisters who may feel discouraged, and endeavour to help them overcome. Exhorted the Teachers to be particular in Instructing the Members Teaching & exhorting them to a renewal of their diligence. It does not matter how humble the duty seems to be, if we will be faithful we shall reap our reward: our religion does not grow old like a garment, but grows better & better there are great things in the future, we shall reap what we sow. Some have severe trials some make their own trials the Lord knows our trials, we should acknowledge his hands in all things. He permits us to be tried for our good, he will have a tried people. Dont find fault with each other, counsel the young girls to come forward in this work and be willing to do good, and help carry on the work to obey counsel and not go beyond: Gave many good instructions to the Sisters, in the rearing of their children properly. Desired this Society should not be behind any other If there was anything the Sisters could teach each other to do so felt to rejoice in this work and that the Angels of God rejoiced over us. Felt there is a call for it, that it is needed, and wished the Sisters to exercise faith unitedly for the Sick when brought in your midst. Bless the Sisters in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ so as to be enabled to overcome all things and come forth in the morning of the First resurrection. Amen
Also a few remarks by Sister E. [Elizabeth H.] Barlow Quite a number of the Sisters came forward and were administered to Sister Snow officiating. [. . .] [p. 18]