17 May 1872

South Cottonwood Relief Society; Cottonwood [Murray], Utah Territory

[. . .] presedintis [Presidentess Janet Y.] Cahoon said [. . .] sisters excuse me for not speaking any more for I am ancious to hear from my sisters may God bless us all [. . .] Sister Snow arose my sisters I am very happy to meet with you it is my desire to try to say a few words to edify you all I feel truly happ[y] to meet with you all and to see you all feeling so well and doing so well sisters I am truly hap[p]y to here your report read it shows as if you had been doing something but who is it that has done it is it a few of you or is it all that has helped I hope it is all of you and you will git your reward for it and evry other good deed you do my sisters let us be careful what we say about each other not to talk about each other not to scandelise eachothers caricter [character] and try to [p. 97] hurt each others sisters I love to see your cheerful faces for it seames when you look cheerful that you are happy sisters do be humble and prayerful as tru[l]y as you neglect your prayers you will not have the b[l]essing of god have secret prayer as well as family prayer thare was a woman asked me once if it was not enough to pray in her family and not to pray in secret I tod her know [told her no] it was her duty to pray in secret and so it is all of our duties sisters be kind to the poor and the ne[e]dy and espesley [especially] the sick sisters when thir [there] is any of you sick visit each other and wash and anoint and administer to them and they will be healed sisters may god bless you each and evry one of you and teach you to do right and the road to life everlasting is my pray A. Men. [Amen] [. . .] [p. 98]

Source Note

Cottonwood 1st Ward, Cottonwood Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1971), vol. 1 (1868–1886), pp. 97–98, CHL (LR 7772 14).

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17 May 1872, South Cottonwood Relief Society; Cottonwood [Murray], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1872/05/1872-05-17