25 October 1879

Morgan Stake Young Ladies; South Morgan Schoolhouse, Morgan, Utah Territory

Single-story, brick school with chimney stacks; men and children pose in front

South Morgan schoolhouse, Morgan, Utah Territory. (Used by permission, Morgan County Historical Society.)

[. . .]

Sis Snow by request of arose to say a few words was sorry to hear of the negligence of the Y [Young] Ladies, do they realize who it is that is going to be the Mothers of coming generations to bear off the Kingdom? certainly not those who were not interested said it is necessary that they should be preparing themsileves to become wifes and Mothers It would be good for mothers to consider this matter and encourage them, there is more hopes of the Little children then of the young as many of there hearts [p. 1] are filled with the vanities of the world, The Young sisters can do more in some things than the older sisters. they can do more to establish home industrry, make home made fashionable put down babilonish fashions it is in the power of the sisters to make every thing fashionable

Pres. [Brigham] Young had said the sisters could do what he could not. they had put down round dances when he could not.1

Said some were not fitting themselves fo[r] usefulness they might as well been born elswhere, the designe of the <this> asssociation is for moral, spiritual and mental culture They are expected to do all that they can

In S. L. City the young Ladies would meet to-gather pray for the sick, and administer to them, said if those who were negligent could realize the benefit arising from attending there meeting they would be punctual in doing so—

Was well pleased with the report from Enterprize Joseph Smith had said people would come from all parts of the earth to Zion for the Gosples Sake. In Salt Lake City some of the Young men indulged in bad habits, useing tobacco whisky etc

advised young Ladies to try in kindness to influence them to refrain from these habits otherwise not associate with them. Would not attend a party with any young man that used Liquor. said the people of Zion spent more means to improve their stock than their children, exhorted the sisters to faithfulness, showing them the necessiety of attending to their duties.

[. . .] [p. 2] [. . .]

Sister Snow then nominated Sis Flora Rawle as Secy [Secretary] for the Stake for Y L M I [Young Ladies Mutual Improvement] Association

[. . .] [p. 3]

Source Note

Morgan Utah Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1879–1970), vol. 1 (1879–1906), pp. 1–3, CHL (LR 5777 17).

See also Morgan Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1973), vol. 1 (1878–1912), pp. 28–29, CHL (LR 5777 14), Huldah Cordelia Smith, Secretary; and H. Cordelia Smith, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 14 (15 Dec. 1879): 110.

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25 October 1879, Morgan Stake Young Ladies; South Morgan Schoolhouse, Morgan, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/10/1879-10-25-a


  1. [1]See “Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association” in Historical Context.