7 March 1878

Kaysville Relief Society; Kaysville, Utah Territory

[. . .] There were present from Salt Lake City: Sisters Eliza R. Snow, Zina D. Young M. I. [Mary Isabella] Horne & Margaret Young.

Sister E. R. Snow Said: Seeing so many of the sisters out, the weather being so in [p. 16] clement, speaks well for this place, I am pleased to see so many men at meeting, it is right for them to attend so they may see what we are doing. There is nothing that interests Woman, but what should interest man, and Viceversa. The time has been, that woman thought man was going to save her. The wife might idle away her time, spend her means in dress; she had nothing else to do, her husband would save her, We have since learned that if we are ever saved we will have to save ourselves

God has established an organization for women, He knew there was work for us to do. In the life of Joseph Smith every woman wanted to be a member of the Relief Society. How is it now? Why we have to urge them, and why is it?

Some think the Relief Society is merely to take care of the Poor. They are, to assist the Bishops, and for the refining and ellevating the sisters, we can take from the shoulders of the men those things that encumber them, we can educate ourselves and fit ourselves for the society of Holy beings. The success of this Society depends upon each of your energies, and the work of your hands. If we neglect our duty, we are making an aperture for evil to creep in.

We know that we had an existance before we came here, some may ask: “Why did we not come in some other dispensation”, we have been told that the Lord held some noble Spirits, that they might come here to do his will. We, each one, had a mission to fill before we came here; we had our [p. 17] remembran[c]es taken from us that we might come here to fulfill our mission.

I know how we can fill our mission so that we may go back to God. It is: if we will keep humble, and have the spirit of God to guide us, and acknowledge his will, it will lead us right back to his presence

We are called upon to promote home industry and what are we doing? We sing of Zion being free, and here we are, slaves to Babylon Suppose Babylon should fall, are we prepared to support ourselves? I dont think we are half prepared, President [Brigham] Young gave to the sisters the mission of raising Silk. It is cheaper to wear silk than either cotton or woolen. I am glad to here [hear] that the sisters in Kaysville are talking of going into this business.

I would recommend you to get only a few trees at first.

Another thing of great importance is the storing up of grain, and it is a great labor

We are to apt to attend to the things of the world. The children realize that their mothers look upon their religion as secondary and they grow up, under that influence. May God bless you and help to put from you every thing that tends to disunion.

[. . .] [p. 18]

Source Note

Kaysville Ward, North Davis Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1937), vol. 1 (1878–1886), pp. 16–18, CHL (LR 4531 14); Helen Hyde, Secretary.

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7 March 1878, Kaysville Relief Society; Kaysville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/03/1878-03-07