28 May 1879

Levan Relief Society; Levan, Utah Territory

[. . .] sister Eliza Snow arose and said that the sisters had to learn from time to time the order of the kingdom of God, the work of the R. S. [Relief Society] is to look after the poor, but the Prophet Joseph [Smith] had said that it was also for to save Souls, when the R. S. was organised by the Prophet Joseph Smith, it was organised according to the order of the Kingdom of God, she said it was better to give to some unworthy than to neglect one that was really in need, it is nessesary to keep a strict acount of everything that is donated to the Society, and also of what is disbursed, said it is nessesary for the sisters to have a house that they can call their own, but we can not expect that we can build a House without the aid of the brethern, we have all got our interest togather [p. 161] and we all work for the same purpose. we all profess to be latter say Saints which is an easy thing to profess but it is not so easy to live up to that profession we have covenanted that we would devote not only a part of the time but the whole of our lives to the Lord and to serve him. She encouraged the sisters to be industrious and to manufacture their own clothing, also to raise mulberry trees she said the elements is full of Silk if we will go to work and draw it out, let us do all the good that we possibly can for we will be judged by our actions not by the good deeds we intended to do, and if we have not used our time good we will be terribly disappointed when the day of judgement comes let us not be discouraged but let us be faithful and let us attend our meetings for that is instituted by the Lord let us set a good example for our Children and let us realize our position as Latter Day Saints for we have all got to work out our salvation any other person can not do that for us

sister [Mary Isabella] Horne arose and said that we have a great deal of instructions from sister Snow, how little women have known about their position before this Last dispensation when the fulness of the gospel was revealed [. . .] [p. 162]

Source Note

Levan Ward, Juab Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1874–1970), vol. 2 (1874–1887), pp. 161–162, CHL (LR 4850 14).

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28 May 1879, Levan Relief Society; Levan, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/05/1879-05-28-b