29 July 1882

Morgan Stake Relief Society; South Morgan Schoolhouse, Morgan, Utah Territory

Single-story, brick school with chimney stacks; men and children pose in front

South Morgan schoolhouse, Morgan, Utah Territory. Used by permission, Morgan County Historical Society.

[. . .] there were present from Salt Lake Sisters E. R. S. Smith & Elmina S. Taylor

[. . .]

Prest. L. [Lydia P.] Rich [. . .] [p. 74] gave way to hear from Sister E. R. S. Smith [. . .]

Sister E R S Smith then arose and said she would have liked much to have sat and listened to her sisters but would talk a little Had always enjoyed her self while visiting the sisters of this stake she said time with us is a great thing Sis Rich had said our improvement is slow! how is this tis not because the Lord has not fulfilled on his part she said faith was energy Father Smith [Joseph Smith, Sr.] had said we must be enerjettic [energetic] and alive our thots [thoughts] & feelings are not what we are to be judged by but our works the books will tell we are responsible as Sis Rich has said for our influence

We must not be long faced but cheerfull a saint of God should always be cheerfull but says we there is so many trials but who causes or permitts these trials who afflicted Job Satan who was traveling up and down in the midst of the earth Satan said well may he be faithfull as the Lord had blessed him with evrything that heart could wish the Lord then permited him To take all that he had from him & then asked Satan how he got along with Job he said he had not as yet touched his body the Lord then permitted him to afflict his body but not to take his life in his affliction the bible says that his wife told him to curse God and dye but the Prophet Joseph [Smith] said his wife knew better than that she told him to bless God and die said some women were tried with their husbands but when we acknowledge the hand of the Lord cant we be cheerfull, she was quite as thankfull for her trials as for smooth sailing as it trains us how can we prove ourselves before God our bros & sisters without them this is a warfare & we must overcome these things

Was pleased while listening to our reports that there was a little cash in each society as the sis were starting a hospital in S L City and it required money to carry it [p. 75] and she wished the sisters to give what they could or felt to give it is a free gift they were not going to throw the whole responsibility upon the R. S. [Relief Society] Prest [John] Taylor thot that if each society and Y L M I [Young Ladies Mutual Improvement] Association would pay one dollar per month it would keep it up but this is not req [required]— it is merely solicited she knew there were many societies that do not handle that much cash

[. . .] [p. 76]

[. . .] [p. 77] [. . .]

Sister Snow said we have heard many good things but there is no end of good she could say with One of old “Once I was young but now I am old and I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor their seed begging bread.[”]

She asked the sisters how much they would take for their experience in times of adversity and trial & asked have we been as true to our god as he has been to us perhapse some of the sisters will say they have done the best they could but she sometimes thot we were a little inclined to excuse ourselves more than we would if we fully realized our positions. Queen Victoria does not hold as exalted a position as does the humblest of us. What would we have done if it were not for the organization of the R. S. We would not now be the happy usefull people we are today

Anciently the Lord was very particular & for gathering Sunday mane [many?] a man was put to death

Said that Spirituality underlies evrything and should be cultivated—was thankful she had been blessed & enabled to hold fast to the rod of Iron we must keep the spirit with us for evry single principle is worth more than our mortal life the Lord may permit persecution but he will not suffer us to be overcome Our future depends upon our present acts we must laber for our blessings must have the spirit of god with us which takes of the hidden things and shows them unto us

Said women gave cast to society—the women of the R S were noble women & hoped the young sis would follow in their footsteps Said the Lord has placed a fullness of salvation within our reach and if we came short knowing that it is by our own neglect it will be worse for us than the sectarians ever pictured [p. 78]

the ties of family this should stir us up to action wished those who think they have done all they can to try and do a little more must try to assist our neighbors to be faithfull in speaking of the “Edmunds bill” she cared no more for it than the men do, who got it up and they care no more for it than they do about the bonnetts we wear in life or in death we must serve god and keep his commandments Regarding the hospital she said some do not feel to pay monthly donations she wished all to feel well about it and do the best they can Almost evrything is acceptable Old sheets for bandages &c and all kinds of eatables the hires cost a goodeal [good deal] and fitting up several hundred dollars the house is hardly in running order yet they have but 4 patients

Urged the sisters to be interested in having their children attend Primary meetings—was delighted with the work of the children on exhibition in the Primary fair said that some of the greatest artists that the world ever knew would grow up out of these Ass [Association]—Children should be usefully employed have responsibility according to their capacity—said if you cultivate the mind and not the heart you have not a saint

wished the sis to send some girls to the hospitals to learn to nurse the sick—mothers should cultivate a companionship with their sons not shove them off that they may confide in us

[. . .]

Sis Snow said that Sis L Rich would receive the money for the hospital and would forward to them the amt [amount] with the name of ward donating as they wished to keep a correct act [account] of every cent

[. . .] [p. 79]

Source Note

Morgan Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1973), vol. 1 (1878–1912), pp. 74–79, CHL (LR 5777 14).

See also “Sisters Visit to Morgan,” Woman’s Exponent 11, no. 6 (15 Aug. 1882): 45–46.

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29 July 1882, Morgan Stake Relief Society; South Morgan Schoolhouse, Morgan, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1882/07/1882-07-29