30 June 1875

Nephi Relief Society; Nephi Meetinghouse, Nephi, Utah Territory

Met by Special appointment for the purpose of hearing from Sisters E R Snow, Horn [Mary Isabella Hales Horne], [Elizabeth A.] Howard, and, [Elvira S.] Barney, Who were visiting and holding meeting with the people

[. . .]

Sister Horn then took the Stand [. . .] [n.p.] [. . .]

Was aware that all were anxious to hear from Sis Snow Said we should have the privalege [privilege] before meeting closed

Realized that many did not understand what Relief Societies were for Said Joseph Smith said the kingdom of God was not fully organised without Relief Societies.

Said there were such societies in the days of our Savior that the Elect lady that we read of was to the people then, as Sister Snow now is to us,

[. . .] [n.p.] [omitted 3 unnumbered pages]

[. . .]

Sister Snow then made some remarks

Spoke of the position of woman in this church as being a very important one but that she could not do much alone but to remedy this God had organized Relief societies in order that woman can better fill her mission here on earth Said the duty of the teachers was to administer life and salvation comfort and consolation to those whom they visit therefore they should be as near perfection as possible Said we were here on missions that we came here of our own free will and choice that we had left family connections in the other world and had felt willing to make sacrifices to build up the kingdom but do we realize that there is no sacrifice on our part it is like exchanging a whistle for a golden harp Said those that spend their time in getting this worlds goods and neglect to lay up treasure in heaven will be as poor as possible said we are preparing for the eternal worlds and if we did not live aright we should miss all Said some depended upon their good husbands to save them but she would not trust her salvation to any man did not believe that Joseph Smith could save her and if he could not no one could for he stood at the head of this dispensation knew that the men could not save us without our help Exhorted the mothers to implant the principles of truth and honesty and correct principles in the hearts of their children counceled them to spend more time in cultivating their minds than in adorning their bodies Said if the children are wisely educated they would be an honor to their parents that their minds should be cared for as well as their bodies Spoke at some length on home industry of silk cultur Mulberry raising Straw braiding &c [n.p.]

Spoke some time to the young ladies then said all that wished to be organized into a retrenchment association would please arise to their feet which they did and when they sat down said she was more than satisfied

She then appointed a meeting for the Young ladies at 7 Oclock Pm Asked the Lord to bless us all in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

[. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Nephi Ward, Juab Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1878), vol. 1 (1868–1878), n.p., CHL (LR 6002 14); Amy L. Bigler, Secretary.

See also Roxy L. Blackburn, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 4, no. 8 (15 Sept. 1875): 58.

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30 June 1875, Nephi Relief Society; Nephi Meetinghouse, Nephi, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/06/1875-06-30