29 June 1881

Sugar House Primary; Sugar House Schoolhouse, Sugar House, Utah Territory

A white, stone building with multiple wings sequentially growing in size

Sugar House Schoolhouse before being torn down, circa October 1892. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

Present [. . .] Mrs. E. R. Snow Smith, Zina D. [H.] Young, Ellen [S.] Clawson, Pres of all the Primary Associations of this stake, & Mrs Loui [Louie B.] Felt, Pres of all the Pri [Primary] Ass<tion> [Associations] in The Terr [Territory] [. . .]

Sr [Sister] Eliza asked the Bp [Bishop Apollos Driggs] if he was willing that she should conduct the organization of a Primary Association in this Ward. The Bp approving the meeting was called to order by Sr. Eliza R. Snow Smith who said (addressing the children) this is your meeting and I want you all to do your share, older ones can belong to this Association and to the Mutual Improvement Ass’s. Asked can you tell me what is the first law of heaven. Children answered order. I wish you all to look me in the eye when I am talking to you. Told of 75 Indian Braves who attended a meeting where the Prophet Joseph [Smith] presided who sat still and looked the Prophet in the eye when he was speaking and never looked around no matter what occured to attract attention, they were a pattern to white people. Also told of an assembly of Indians 500 in number whom her Brother Lorenzo [Snow] baptized who when the exercises were completed wished to shake hands with him remained standing quietly till their turn came and observed the greatest order. Said I hope you will be as orderly as the Indians. Asked do you think God sees us all the time? Does he hear us? Does he know what we do. Asked the children what exercise they would have first [n.p.] in their meetings, will you have singing? The Bretheren think the boys should learn to sing more especialy than the girls on account of their going on missions.

The children sang Love at home. After singing, Sr. Eliza asked did God hear us? ans yes. Can we see him? no. Why not? He is immortal we are mortal. how did Jesus die? On the cross. Where was the cross? How was he hung? How many nails? Did they break his bones? Why not? Because he was already dead and also was according to prophecy. Told of the promise we have of his coming again. Said we want you to be good so that you many see him when he comes, we want you to grow up pure in heart, we want you to have faith in God, then you will not be afraid of anything will not be afraid of diptheria or any kind of sickness. Asked what exercise they would have next, will you have prayer, will you have Sr Zina pray? What is praying? Talking with God, you should all pray before you go to sleep and ask the Lord to preserve you through the night and in the morning, you should thank him for his care of you through the night and <ask> his care through the day. Now when Sr Zina is praying you should close your eyes and lean your heads a little forward.

Prayer by Sr. Zina D. Young

Sr. Eliza asked will you have singing for your next exercise. Children sang In our lovely Deseret &c. Sr. Eliza said do you know how I guess you have a good Sunday School? Did Jesus have a trade? What was it? Did he work? Is it honerable to work? Did you know the children were having fairs. Spoke of one she attended lately, and of what was on exhibition. Said the Primaries are going to have a state fair. Recomended all to try and make something for the fair. Asked the children if they wished to be organized into a Primary Association. Prop<h>ecied that this Association would be the one the Bp would be proud of. If you are going to be organized you will want [n.p.] a President who will you have? Will you let the Bp. sugjest for you? [. . .] Sr Eliza said the children of Morgan Co. would emigrate an orphan from Europe; if you have 10 cts [cents] given you to buy candy with save 5 cts for for the treasury. [. . .] Sr Eliza said six officers and no members. The names of the children were written and then called over each one answering to their name. Sr. Eliza asked the boys what kind of men they wished to be when they were grown asked the girls if they wished to become good women. Asked who should be Doc. for the saints. Could God set broken bones? related a case where a mans arm was all smashed to splinters was healed instantly by the power of God; related a case where a little boy administered to his mother in the night when she was healed so that it was not nescessary, for him to go for the Elders.1 Do you think the Lord can cure the diptheria? He knows all about our bodies for he formed them and when anything is wrong with them He knows how to set them right

[. . .] [n.p.] [. . .]

Mrs. Loui Felt Pres. of all Primaries said I am like Sr. Eliza & want you all to look at me then you will understand what is said, this is your meeting not any ones meeting but yours [. . .]

Sr Eliza asked the children various questions, Joseph Smith the Prophet Presided over the Church 14 years Brigham Young presided 33 years Told the story of George Washington and the cherry tree I hope when you are grown you can say with him I never told a lie.

Bp [s]aid you have had some good instruction and I hope you will remember and profit by it and carry it out in your lives, when you go home go by yourselves and ask the Lord for wisdom & such things as you need. Spoke of Willie Hanson being always willing to respond to any call; said he was a very good boy [n.p.]

Sr Eliza R. Snow Smith who was the wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith showed to the children a watch formerly owned by the Prophet Joseph Smith. Said I am glad to hear so good a report of Willie Hanson, but one thing I will tell you, you can all be as good. Recommended concert action in meetings, lessons should be interesting as well as instructive.

[. . .]

Benediction by Mrs. E. R. S. Smith [n.p.]

Source Note

Sugar House Ward, Sugar House Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1881–1973), vol. 1 (1881–1900), n.p.; pp. 1–7, CHL (LR 8754 18).

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29 June 1881, Sugar House Primary; Sugar House Schoolhouse, Sugar House, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/06/1881-06-29


  1. [1]See “Women’s Spiritual Gifts” in Historical Context.