14 February 1879

Wilson Relief Society; Wilson [West Haven], Utah Territory

[. . .] Sister E R snow said without the spirit of god it would be in vain for her to try to interest us said we sisters used to think that our husbands could save us but that it was a mistaken Idea for each and every one of us must work out our own salvation said that this society was one that we could cultivate ourselves in asked if the sisters realised the importance of this organization said that the first duty of the F R [Female Relief] Society was to look after the poor and another was to save souls said that the duties of a teacher should underlie every thing else said that they should be full of the spirit of god told the sisters to always be on hand to do any duty they were called upon to perform said she had made up her mind if she performed her duty ever so awkwardly that the lord was better pleased with her than if she did not try encouraged the sisters to come to meeting said that if they absented themselves from their meetings it was on account of their ignorance said that another of the missions of the F R Society was to establish home manufacture spoke of silk culture also storing grain and beans also spoke of a vision a young man had showing him the necessity of storing grain in which he said that the time would come when flour would be worth more than gold exhorted the young sisters to never shirk from any duty or think any duty too small or too large for them to try to do encouraged the sisters to read all good books said she would rather go without many other nesescary things than to go without cultivating her mind sister [Jane S.] Richards endorsed all that Sister Snow had said [. . .] [p. 9]

Source Note

Wilson First Ward, Ogden Utah Weber South Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1882–1973), vol. 1 (1882–1892), p. 9, CHL (LR 10214 14); Amanda M. Bingham, Secretary.

See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 19 (1 Mar. 1879): 203.

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14 February 1879, Wilson Relief Society; Wilson [West Haven], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/02/1879-02-14-a