25 October 1877

Hyrum and Paradise Relief Societies; Hyrum, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Present Miss E. R. Snow [. . .]

Sister Snow said I am very much pleased to meet with my Sisters in Hyrum.

The Saints of God cannot be edified except by the Spirit of God. Where strife & envy are there His Spirit will not dwell. when we feel a spirit of fault finding we may know it is not the Spirit of God. We should pray to God to helpe us to over come [overcome] The Prophet Joseph [Smith] said if this Society would carry out his instructions it would become the greatest institution on the earth [p. 192]

We are too apt to underrate our standing. This is the means provided to bring woman out from under the curse she will become a counselor and a helpmeet to her husband when I see a woman quarrel with Poligamy I pitty her what is our mission here! we want to become Saviors on Mt Zion We must wake up and overcome the inframitys [infirmities] of the world. and become the peculiar people that God wants. if we will not work He can find instruments that will He can raise them from the stones as the Savior said. We possess the germs to become Goddesses in Eternity, but He requires us to develop those faculues [faculties]. In establishing plural marriage we are preparing a way to salvation, for our sisters in all the world I want you to also remember to store up your wheat even if your granries [granaries] are full how will you feel to see thousands vying for bread related a vison of a young man in Salt Lake showing that a famine is coming when our grain is laid up it is the Lords grain. And no one has any right to touch it. it is a separate business. the Treasurer should keep a separate account. spoke of the Commission house in S. L. C. She had worked in that store steady for one year and had never had one cent for her labor I wish you to feel that you have as much interest in that store as I have how faithful we should be our integrity should be as firm as the <everlasting> hills. our souls need food as much as our bodies the Spirit of God never dwells with a grumbler. we must keep in mind that we are the daughters of God and not give way to such a spirit. God bless you Amen Sister [Zina D.] Young bore testimony to Sister Snow remarks and gave valuable instrictions [instructions]

[. . .] [p. 193]

Source Note

Hyrum Ward, Logan Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1870–1901), vol. 1 (1870–1879), pp. 192–193, CHL (LR 4009 14); Nancy M. Nielsen, Secretary.

See also Elizabeth Davis, “Visit to Northern Settlements,” Woman’s Exponent 6, no. 14 (15 Dec. 1877): 111; and Christina Liljenquist and N. M. Nielsen, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 6, no. 15 (1 Jan. 1878): 118.

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25 October 1877, Hyrum and Paradise Relief Societies; Hyrum, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1877/10/1877-10-25