5 September 1872

Salt Lake City First Ward Relief Society; First Ward Schoolhouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Miss Eliza R Snow said we have met in the Capacity of a F R [Female Relief] Society and but few understand the importance of it, I have heard Pres [Brigham] Young say the few would save the many, if we could only get the sisters to take hold we could accomplish a great work

Joseph Smith said it was to help the poor and to save the souls, I have he[a]rd many say that those that give recieve more blessings then those that recieve Joseph Smith made it a point that every woman should have a good morral character in order to become a member of the Society the Society is calculated to save and elevate, the question is whether we have the Spirit of God in our bosoms if we have each a little of the right spirit and come togather it is like putting coals of fire togather when they are seperate they cannot burn and soon go out but when they are put togather soon burst out in a blaze, I would urge the sisters to meet oftener and I would all to come to the Teachers Meeting, the most of us can attend Meeting if we manage right, there are some that believe if their husbands and Brothers are faithfull they will be safe but that is not so you have all got to work out your own salvation, I will now say a fue [few] words to the mothers the education of your Children commences when the child is younger then most suppose, it should commence when the child is still on your lap, you should never allow it to speak a falshood or do a mean act, my Mother [Rosetta P. Snow] taught me that God could see me when out of her sight and I did not dare do anything out of her sight that I would not dare do when I was in her sight, in the early days of this Church the young folks had just as many duties to perform as their parents but now the duties are all left to the old folks It has been demonstrated that the Young Ladies Society has done a great amount of good I have suggested that the Boys be organized but of course we Ladies cannot dictate, I think it would not cost half [p. 59] as much to save some of our own folks as it does to emigrate them from the old countries I sometimes think it requires as much stability to live in the midst of some that profess to be Latterday Saints as it does among Gentiles Joseph Smith said there would be a time that every ones offering would be laid upon the alter and those offerings that was accepted would burn and those that were not accepted would not burn, if all we gain for all our suffering is to get a body that will not suffer is not that sufficient even if we get nothing els. The Lord lets all do as they please but they that labor gets their reward, if I have any ability it by right belongs to my sisters and they are entitled to the benefit of it Joseph Smith said it was the duty and privelege of the sisters to administer the laying on of hands on the sisters and their Children. May the Lord bless you Amen

[. . .] [p. 60]

Source Note

First Ward, Park Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1870–1973), vol. 2 (1870–1893), pp. 58–60, CHL (LR 2871 14); Sarah J. Bement, Secretary.

See also “F. R. Society Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 1, no. 8 (15 Sept. 1872): 58.

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5 September 1872, Salt Lake City First Ward Relief Society; First Ward Schoolhouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1872/09/1872-09-05