Circa 26 June 1878

Manti Relief Society; Manti, Utah Territory

Report of the meeting held in this city June 18th, by Miss E. R. Snow, Mrs. Z. [Zina] D. Young and party. We feel that we were very greatly blessed by their brief sojourn in our midst, and we hope and trust that Providence will so order events that their visit, with its attendant blessings and enjoyments, may be repeated at no distant day. The subjoined is a copy of the minutes of that most interesting occasion.

[. . .] Miss Eliza R. Snow addressed the meeting; said if the sisters wished to be edified, they must lift their hearts in prayer to God. She spoke of the organization of Relief Societies in the days of Joseph [Smith] the Prophet, said that chastity was then a test of qualification for membership.1

Exhorted the sisters one and all to come forward and become members of the Relief Society, lest the few who were performing all the labor should also receive all the reward. She felt thankful that she had been permitted to maintain her integrity and was still numbered with the faithful. Spoke of the necessity of working out our own salvation, if we ever expect to attain it, and of the folly of wasting our talents in seeking after the things of this life, and thereby imperiling our soul’s salvation.

The speaker then dwelt at some length on the duties of Relief Societies, said that it required much determination and wisdom to relieve the wants of the poor in a proper manner. She thought it was the duty of the Society to furnish suitable labor for those who were able to work, and should furnish gratuitous aid judiciously, and guard against being imposed upon. She spoke very forcibly and understandingly upon the duties of mothers to their children, and also upon the necessity of meeting together often, as she thought it assisted the sisters greatly in overcoming the trials of their life. Said the sisters who could never find time to go to meeting would certainly fail to make her home pleasant and happy. Contrasted her with the sister who takes pleasure in attending the meetings of the Society, and neglects none of the duties pertaining to life hereafter. She dwelt at some length on the subject of home-manufacture, and in the course of her remarks requested all the ladies present who wore home-made hats to rise to their feet, but was surprised at the smallness of the number; she advised the young ladies to make their hats as beautiful as possible, but by all means to let their adorning be the work of their own hands; Said it was folly for us to sustain Babylon, when we were able to sustain ourselves, if we would only take steps in the right direction. Said we should bear all our trials in humility, and should by no means do wrong because wrong is done to us, and that we should turn a deaf ear to false sympathizers and strive to overcome our evil natures.

Mrs. Zina D. Young expressed her pleasure at meeting with the sisters, and of the good things to which we had already listened. [. . .]

[. . .] She then exhibited some specimens of home-made silk, and exhorted the sisters to increase their diligence in its manufacture, that they might make their apparel beautiful without any aid from Babylon.

[. . .]

Pres. [Phebe R.] Maiben felt thankful to the visiting sisters for their kindly words of good cheer, and hoped we should all go on our way rejoicing, in consequence of the many good words that had been spoken unto us.

[. . .]

Mrs. Rebecca Wareham [. . .] heartily endorsed what had been said by those who had spoken, especially that which relates to home-manufacture. [. . .] [p. 50]

Source Note

Rebecca Wareham, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 7 (1 September 1878): 50.2

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Circa 26 June 1878, Manti Relief Society; Manti, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]For more information, see “Historical Context.”

  2. [2]This article records 18 June 1878 as the meeting date. However, it is more likely that the meeting occurred on 25 June or 26 June, given the route Snow was traveling and the dates that she spoke in locations nearby.