Circa 13 February 1879

Ogden First Ward Primary; Ogden, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister Eliza R. Snow, Then arose and said, now we want to know if these children (young brothers and Sisters) want to be organized into an Association that they may grow up good and noble, the Boys become Elders in Israel, and the girls good faithful women in Zion, and when organized to be punctual at their meetings and bye & bye they would have quarterly & Annual Meetings also Concerts & perhaps wear Military suits. & learn to go through the “passage of Arms.” She then asked several questions which the children answered Spiritedly & correctly. She said she thought they all knew how good children should act in meeting, Now children you are the 1st Primary Association in Ogden City, we want you to be as good as Samuel the Prophet. God called to him when he was only Seven years old, and told him what to do. the Lord was the Same Lord now. he never changes. She then told of a little boy who lived down in the Southern part of Utah, who used to steal apples and Eggs and bring them home to his mother who would take them from him and Eat them, he grew up a dishonest man, was arrested for Stealing tried & Sentenced to the Penitentary, his mother was at the trial, and he said to her, you may [p. 4] thank yourself for this, for you never corrected me when I was young. She hoped they would try and be good, say their prayers, and when sick call upon the Elders to administer to them instead of Sending for the Doctor, if you grow up good all will love & respect you, that some of the boys here would when they become men have to go abroad on missions some be Judges, and the little girls good women to preside over Societies, only be good, listen to what is said to you, & learn to recite what is given you, & when you go home tell your mothers what you have heard at meeting. & when I come to Ogden again I want to hear a good report from the 1st Ward. May the Lord bless you all Amen.

Sister Jane [S.] Richards, Said [. . .] are you not glad you have Sister Snow with you? in a few years you will think back to the time you were organized it will remain in your minds as long as you live you will be happier for it [. . .] could remember when she was a little girl, believed these little girls would be great women in their day, that Sister Snow could not be with them always as she had to go all over the Territory, & organize as she had done here, [p. 5] [. . .]

Bishop [Benjamin] Critchlow, considered the position of President of the Primary Association one of great responsibility thanked Sister E. R. Snow, Jane Richards & others for coming to organize the children, took a vote of thanks from the little ones [. . .] [p. 6] [. . .]

Bro [William] Stowell, Said he [. . .] knew the children felt pleased in listening to the remarks of Sister Snow, & Richards. [. . .] [p. 7]

Source Note

Ogden First Ward, Mount Ogden Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1879–1969), vol. 1 (1879–1883), pp. 4–7, CHL (LR 6391 18).

See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 7, no. 19 (1 Mar. 1879): 203.

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Circa 13 February 1879, Ogden First Ward Primary; Ogden, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024