15 April 1881

Salt Lake City Eleventh Ward Primary; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[Editorial Note: This discourse was reported in several sources. Two versions are transcribed below. For more information, see the source note following each transcript.]

I. From the Primary Minutes

[. . .]

A Song was then sung by 8 of the girls intitled welcome, <Sister Snow.> A Peice was then resited [recited] by all of the children under nine years of age, intitled gold and tinsel, after which little Laura Denney read an <address> to Sister E. R. Snow and presented her with a wreath of hair flowers made <from a lock of hair of the Pres [Louie B. Felt], coun, and each child of the association> Sister E. R Snow then made some very interresting remarks said I am very much pleased <happy to meet> with you this after noon, and I am so very much pleased with this present you have given me and I will treasure it as long as I live and I will say in years to come when I look at, [1 illegible word] this, remindes me of thos[e] beautiful primary children in the 11th ward said I am pleased to see so you have such good order here, I see you are improveing A great deal and I hop[e] you will always be able to improve, I pray that the Lord will Bless you and help you to do wright at all times, [. . .] [p. 102]

Source Note

Eleventh Ward, University West Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1878–1973), vol. 1 (1878–1882), p. 102, CHL (LR 2569 18).

II. From the Woman’s Exponent

[. . .] The Bishop was also present a part of the time. On the platform were Sisters Eliza R. Snow Smith, Zina D. [H.] Young and Presendia L. Kimball, and many others who are also aiding the interests of these organizations. [. . .] But the principal feature of the occasion was the presentation of a wreath of hair flowers, elegantly framed, by Laura Denney, a child only seven years old, who came forward and addressed the audience briefly, then turning to Sister Eliza with modest little curtsey, delivered, in a clear and forcible manner, a speech written for the occasion by Dr. Ellen B. Ferguson, which occupied perhaps seven minutes. Towards the close two very little children, a boy and girl, came forward and handed her the wreath, which she very gracefully presented to the honored lady, who was so completely taken by surprise she could scarcely reply. The wreath is formed of a lock of hair from each child in the Association, and in the center is a single stem of flowers, composed of locks of hair from the President and her Counselors, with their photographs artistically arranged inside the wreath. Sister Eliza, in a voice choked with grateful emotion, spoke a few words to the children, and thanked them for the honor conferred upon her, and assured them she should hold the gift very dear to her heart and remember them all when she looked upon it. [. . .] [p. 181]

Source Note

Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 9, no. 23 (1 May 1881): 181.

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15 April 1881, Salt Lake City Eleventh Ward Primary; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/04/1881-04-15