17 June 1875

Provo Relief Societies; Provo Meetinghouse, Provo, Utah Territory

One-story, brick building with two chimneys and a steeple that includes a belfry

Provo meetinghouse, Provo, Utah Territory, circa 1865. (Provo Meetinghouse, Provo Photographs [MSS P 613 #68], L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.)

The ladies of the several Relief Societies of our city, met in the Meeting House by appointment, understanding that Sr. Zina D. [H.] Young and other sisters from Salt Lake City would be present to instruct them in their duties as members of Relief Societies, and especially to encourage them to engage in the business of sericulture. A goodly number of the sisters were present and they were agreeably surprised to find that Sr. E. R. Snow was in [on] the stand, having come especially to meet with the sisters of Provo by the morning train.

After singing and prayer Sr. M. I. [Margaret T.] Smoot introduced Sr. E. R. Snow, who expressed her joy in meeting with them again and then proceeded to instruct them in their duties in general, as mothers and daughters in Israel. Especially enjoining upon mothers to instruct their children in the principles of the Gospel; but was afraid that in some cases, mothers devoted too much time to the dressing of the bodies of their daughters, to the neglect of the instruction of their minds in those principles which would cause them to grow up as useful members of society; alluded to the superficial education of young ladies, which only fitted them for society as the world understand it—but women, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, should cultivate themselves and children in those principles which would make them fit society for the pure [p. 26] in heart—exhorted the sisters to encourage and aid the organizations of Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Societies, and to maintain a lively interest in such organizations by their presence and counsels—alluded to the fact that many of the women of Zion were astray with the idea that they had no time to attend meetings, or to give to the culture of their minds, but that their whole being and time must be given to the drudgery of life, preparing food &c. What mattered if the dishes should be left unwashed to give time for attendance at some meeting, nothing would materially suffer, but good would result; still the domestic duties of women should not be neglected. She also urged the necessity of the sisters making exertions to start the manufacture of straw materials, woolen goods including hosiery for infants and children’s wear, and also the culture of silk, on which subject she would give place to Sr. Zina D. Young who then addressed the Sisters. [. . .]

Sr. [Pauline E.] Brown of Pleasant Grove, made some remarks confirming those of the former speakers; after which Sr. M. I. Smoot in behalf of the ladies of Provo, expressed her thanks to Sr. E. R. Snow and companions for their visit and hinted that their practical remarks would be made available by the sisters of Provo, for the blessing of themselves and children. [. . .]

All present seemed impressed with the good spirit and the wise counsels of Sr. E. R. Snow and companions, retiring feeling well repaid for the time they had spent. [. . .] [p. 27]

Source Note

A. T., “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 4, no. 4 (15 July 1875): 26–27.

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17 June 1875, Provo Relief Societies; Provo Meetinghouse, Provo, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/06/1875-06-17