29 October 1868

Alpine Relief Society; Alpine Schoolhouse, Alpine, Utah Territory

Gray, single-story brick building with quoins

Meetinghouse constructed in Alpine, Utah Territory, between 1857 and 1863; now known as the Alpine Pioneer Relic Hall. (Used by permission, Utah State Historical Society.)

Present, Bishop [Thomas J.] McCullough and his Council Miss Eliza R Snow Mrs [Sarah] M Kimball and others

[. . .]

Miss Eliza R Snow read the minutes of the organization of the first Female Relief Society in this Dispensation containing instructions from President [Joseph] Smith in relation to the organization. Remarks and instruction by Elder [John] Taylor and others

Mrs Eliza R Snow then remarked that it was nessary [necessary] that there be a change in this organization as it was not according to order for one person to hold two offices. She then tendered the resignation of the Secretary and second Counsellor, Moved and Carried. Moved that Miss Mary [S.] Watkins be appointed Secretary Carried

Mrs Margeret [V.] McCullough then chose Mrs Alice [C.] Freestone her second Councillor she was then ordained by Bishop McCullough Moved that Mrs Matilda [M.] McCullough be appointed Treasurer Carried

[. . .] [n.p.]

[. . .]

Mrs Eliza R Snow then arrose and said she wished to say something to benefit the Sisters of this place, said you are now fully organized, but your President has a right to choose other officers or helps as circumstances may require, your Bishop holds the same relation to you that President Smith did to the first Society you are expected to relieve the Bishop by looking after the Poor you must be united in your efforts and you will accomplish much good, and means will flow into your hands.

You are required to take the Council of your President and if she takes the Council of the Bishop you need not fear to do wrong.

Councellors must suggest to the President, Secretary takes the minites read them at the opening of each meeting and if accepted they are recorded in the General History of the Society

Treasurer keeps the minites of all receipts and disbursements. I recommanded [recommended] to Mrs [Elizabeth H.] Carlisle to make out a quarterly report to the Society

The Teachers have an importent Mission they are required to try and make their visits a blessing so that the Sisters need not be affraid to see them come, small donations should be accepted Teach the Sisters to trust in God Do not sympathise in Demoralizing influences wee must be tried, God will help us through all Difficulties if wee put our trust in him. I had rather take it rough then have my glory curtailed only those that Honor Poligamy will attain to lives eternal I don’t want to go where there are no innocent Children those that oppose that Principle will go into utter darkness wee are required to assist in the redemption of the Human family and when annything comes along that wee do not understand wee had better keep still untill they come to and understanding

Sisters should make it an object to mutualy benefit each other wee must be delegent in cultivating their [n.p.] minds and their manners. Mothers should teach their Children to Pray it is good for sisters to arrise and speak in an orderly manner, if you feel irritable in your spirit do not express that feeling, but by speaking your best thoughts they will be increased and strengthed. Sisters cultivate your minds, ignorence is no longer excuseble

I feel to bless these young Sisters I am pleased to see you take an interest here be Prayerful and you have more grace wisdom and power

The manufacture of Straw should be introduced in these Societys wee should try to incourage every enterprise that make us as a People self sustaining

The Spirit of God makes beauty there is something in it that is attractive try to qualify yourselves for anny office that you may be called to fill try to profit by experience

I bless you my Sisters with all the authority I have and I shall Pray for you that wee may honor ourselves and this Society by the Spirit of God and acceptably perform all that may be required of us

Mrs [Sarah] M Kimball then arrose and said she felt interested in our perfect reorganization and wee were to try and speak to eachother and make use of our rights and prevelages she was a great advocate for women’s rights, to which Sister Snow remarked

What right do you allow to women

Why every right belonging to women she knew that women’s sphere has been too contracted according to her place, development acquirement all the knowledge she possess, and required us to seek after more and learn all we can so that we may be a fit companion to our companions and as they increase in knowledge and understanding wee had to increase also and wee would be blessed in our endavours.

Mrs McCullogh arose and returned her thanks to our visiting Sisters for their assistance and instructions and [d]esires to descharge her duties faithfully and be found worthy [n.p.] of the charge that is laid for her

[. . .]

Bishop McCullough concluded with Thanks and blessings to Sister Snow and Sister Kimball and said these Societies would be a great help to the Bishops if we do according to the instructions wee receive [. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Alpine Ward, Alpine Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1873), vol. 1 (1868–1879), n.p., CHL (LR 10595 14).

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29 October 1868, Alpine Relief Society; Alpine Schoolhouse, Alpine, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1868/10/1868-10-29-a