3 September 1881

    Cache Valley Stake Relief Society; Logan Tabernacle, Logan, Utah Territory

    Two-story, brick building with three entrance doors and three stairways leading up to the entrances

    Cache Stake Tabernacle, Logan, Utah Territory, circa 1890. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

    [. . .]

    At 2 P. M. met with Sisters in Relief Societies conference [. . .] Sister E R Snow Said in the days of the prophet Joseph Smith did not have to be invited to become a member of a Relief Society Every Sister that is worthy of a standing in the church is worthy to be a member Joseph Smith Said this organization of women (R. S. [Relief Society]) was a portion of the oranization of the church and took the priesthood to organize the Same. Said there was a great defici[e]ncy in the reading matter for the Sisters Should be full of intelligence for they mould the characters of the children. It requires application to become intelligent. The Relief Society up to 1876 had disbursed in Utah nearly $93000.

    The Prophet said these Societies were to Save Souls. You have comforted many Souls. It will be doing a good work to keep ourselves Straight The prophet also Said we would be doing a good work to take the poor off from the hands of the Elders Bps [Bishops] &c. Many do not attend meetings So much to do. They are the ones that should go that they may be refreshed. She thanked the Lord she had been reared to worked [work]. When she got so tired she felt as if She couldn’t go to meeting. She [k]neels down and asks God to give here [her] strength to go. [p. 282]

    Source Note

    Charles Ora Card, Diary, 3 Sept. 1881, HBLL, BYU (SCM 1264).

    See also Logan Utah Cache Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 2 (1881–1914), p. 1, CHL (LR 1280 14); Katrinka B. Caine, Secretary; and “Logan and Ogden Conferences,” Woman’s Exponent 10, no. 8 (15 Sept. 1881): 60.

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    3 September 1881, Cache Valley Stake Relief Society; Logan Tabernacle, Logan, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/09/1881-09-03