19 April 1842

Female Relief Society of Nauvoo; Lodge Room, Nauvoo, Illinois

[. . .]

Miss Snow after making observations with regard to the Society—the importance of acting in wisdom & walking humbly before God etc. said she had a blessing for Mrs. Buel [Presendia H. Buell],1 that inasmuch as she had become a member of [p. 31] this Society, as the spirit of a person pervades every member of the body, so shall the Spirit of the Lord which pervades this Society be with her—she shall feel it and rejoice—she shall be blest wherever she is, and the Lord shall open the way and she shall be instrumental in doing much,—thro’ her own exertions, by the instrumentality of others, she shall be enabled to contribute much to the fund of the Society—she shall warm up the hearts of those who are cold and dormant, and shall be instrumental in doing much good—

Mrs. [Abigail] Leonard, Councillor W [Elizabeth Ann Whitney] and Councillor C [Sarah M. Cleveland] bore testimony to the truth of what Miss Snow had said to Mrs. Buel.

[. . .] [p. 32]

[. . .] The meeting was very interesting, nearly all present arose & spoke, and the spirit of the Lord like a purifying stream, refreshed every heart.”

[. . .] [p. 33]

Source Note

Relief Society Minute Book (1842–1844), pp. 31–33, CHL (MS 3424); Eliza R. Snow, Secretary.

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19 April 1842, Female Relief Society of Nauvoo; Lodge Room, Nauvoo, Illinois, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1840s/1842/04/1842-04-19


  1. [1]See “Women’s Spiritual Gifts” in Historical Context.