26 May 1868

Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward Relief Society; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

White building with wood trim, Salt Lake City, circa 1890

Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward meetinghouse and assembly hall, circa 1890. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .] Labors of the afternoon commenced. We were soon favored with the arrival of Srs. Eliza Snow & Zina [D. H.] Young.

[. . .] [p. 10]

[. . .]

Sr. Snow arose & said—Every one is not aware that this order was instituted by the Prophet Joseph [Smith]. He said that wherever the Priesthood was fully established, there such a society would be formed: indeed, it was a part of the Priesthood. 

She then read the Minutes of the organization of the Nauvoo Female Relief Society: which was to be the pattern by which all others were to be formed. 

Sr. Zina then arose & said—She rejoiced in meeting with this society & looking upon our faces. If we come here prayerfully, & with the spirit of love & unity, we shall benefit each other & do ourselves good.

It will help us to overcome our troubles, in fact, to such an extent, that we shall have none. It is our priviledge to unite our faith so that we can come together & be healed, & heal our children.

Our duty is, to draw in the young, & instruct & advocate them, till they shall grow up to be natural Mothers in Israel. The sisters need comforting, & if we come here in the right spirit we shall be comforted & blessed.

We do not always understand our Patriarchal Blessings. If we are promised to do a great work, we expect to do it in this Sphere, this is not always the case—some are obliged to pass behind the vail before commencing it. Closed by exhorting us to cultivate a spirit of unity & love.

Sr. Snow again arose. She said the Sisters do not realize the importance of this work. It is to enable the Sisters to become [p. 11] bright & shining lights: to become indeed helpmeets to our husbands; even to assist them in organizing the work of the ministry.

Br. Joseph was very particular in business. We should strive to acquire strict business habits, so that we can transact business successfully.

Our calling is great & noble. We are called not only to work, but to instruct, counsil & console. The mind needs food as much as the body—indeed must have it, or it will dry, wither & perish.

It is our priviledge to have the spirit of our Religion that whatever betides we are happy. When we have stemmed the tide, there is a haven of rest, a sweet repose.

The Travelling Committee have a very responsible mission. ’Tis their duty to comfort, console, instruct, admonish & reprove in the spirit of meekness & love.

Those who are taking a course to quench the spirit of light, should be pled with & exhorted to return to the path of rectitude.

’Tis our priviledge to uphold our Presidentess by our work, faith & prayers. Sisters ought to teach each other. If we are united we shall have the spirit of healing, so that the sick shall be brought to us, we shall lay our hands upon them & they shall be raised up. Exhorted us to beware of enthusiasm. The sisters are more given to enthusiasm than the brethren: believed it was because they act more from feeling & have not had the experience which the brethren have had

The duty of the Secretary is, to take the minutes of each meeting: at the next meeting read them, & if accepted record them.

Everything should be kept in perfect order & in a business like manner.

She felt to bless us, & she knew the Lord would accept our work, for it was the order of Heaven. [p. 12]

[. . .]

A vote of thanks was then tendered to Srs. Eliza & Zina for their visit & instructions.

[. . .]

Dismissed with prayer by Sr. Snow. [p. 13]

Source Note

Fourteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1864–1957), vol. 3 (1867–1885), pp. 10–13, CHL (LR 2972 14); Elmina S. Taylor, Secretary.

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26 May 1868, Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward Relief Society; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1868/05/1868-05-26