10 August 1868

Salt Lake City Seventh Ward Relief Society; Seventh Ward Schoolhouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

White stone building with arched windows

Salt Lake City Seventh Ward meetinghouse, constructed in 1877. (Fairbanks, P. Kent. Seventh Ward Chapel, 116 West Fifth South Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, UT. 1967. Photograph. Historic American Buildings Survey, Library of Congress. https://www.loc.gov/resource/hhh.ut0056.photos/?sp=1.)

Meeting opened with Prayer by Eliza R. Snow.

[. . .] [p. 14] [. . .]

President Elizabeth [M.] McLelland Said I feell well in this society, I believe we can do a great ammount of good [p. 15] I would like to hear the sisters speak, I would like to hear from Sisters Snow, Smoote [Margaret T. Smoot], and [Sarah M.] Kimball.

Sister Snow said I have always made it a rule to move forward in whatever I have been called upon to do, I think you ought to feel well with the backing you have got, I was at the first meeting that was organized of this society it was in the days of the prophet Joseph and although you start with a very little means you are just beginning and will grow to surprise yourselves. Joseph Smith said that we should hold each other character sacred. I do not feel myself competent for a teacher I do not want you to feel discouraged because of this. The Lord will help you if you will will seek his aid.

There is one kind of s[y]mpathy I want you to guard against that is when you find any one that is suffering affliction instead of sympathizeing with them as to the cause of their affliction try to have them recognize the hand of the Lord in it and that it is for their good, and you will have them feeling a great deal better. You must try to build each other up, and by meeting together you can s[t]rengthen each other, let your conversation be to this end.

I heard President [Brigham] Young was going to get up some meetings for the sisters similar to the school of the prophets. Bro. Joseph wished us to cultivate order, and do every thing systematicaly. The brethren expect to become Kings they would look strange without Queens we must cultivate ourselves to be their equals, we are now passing throug a school preparitory if I have a bad habit and have a friend that would tell me of it, that is a true friend. We are not living for the aprobation of the world we are living for the aprobation of God, let us not shrink from anything we have to perform and if we mantain our integrity our reward will be sure. I pray the Lord to bless you Amen.

[. . .] [p. 16] [. . .]

Sister Kimball said I hardly know where to commence there has been so much that is good said I have seen those that could not speak but a few moments but afterward become eloquent we do not expect to do as well as Sister Snow [. . .]

Sister [Margaret B.] Harrington said it was her desire to do good and would go away feeling condemnd if she did not speak she felt it quite a cross to speak which she meant to overcome she had been told in former years that if she would only get up and open her mouth it should be filled she believed it and felt to bless the sisters for their readiness to obey the calls that are made upon them.

[. . .] [p. 17]

Source Note

Seventh Ward, Pioneer Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1848–1922), vol. 4 (1868–1907), pp. 14–17, CHL (LR 12586 14); Mary A. Lambert, Secretary.

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10 August 1868, Salt Lake City Seventh Ward Relief Society; Seventh Ward Schoolhouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1868/08/1868-08-10