11 September 1868

Salt Lake City Twentieth Ward Relief Society; Margaret T. Smoot Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .] The sisters spent the afternoon at various kinds of work. Some piecing quilts, others quilting, knitting, crochering knitting, &c. We were visited by Sisters E R. Snow and Sarah [M.] Kimball. Pres [Margaret T.] Smoot called upon sister Kimball to make a few remarks. Sister Kimball arose, and said, She did not feel that she had much to say. She felt grateful to meet with us, and see us thus employed.

Our object in coming together is to promote good—our work is important, but not the most important.

We are called upon to talk. there are objections in the minds of many, for sisters to speak in public. It is a conspicuous position. She always desired to be where she could do the greatest good to her sisters.

It is the decemination [dissemination] of knowledge that gives us power She hoped Sister Smoot would excuse her for being personal, Sister Smoot is almost carrying this Society. She should appoint a President over the Teachers, and they should keep an account of all their official transactions.

Let the Secretary perform her own duties. If

If the sisters do not fill their places, appoint others who will. This Society is a branch of the general Society. Sister E R. Snow is the Presidentess of the general Society, and the others are branches of that Society. It is the duty of the Pres to plan and the members to execute—said She was pleased to see the industry of our Society May God bless you, Amen. [p. 41]

Prests [Presidentess] Smoot, Said if she had taken too much burden upon herself, it was because she felt she had more experience. She wished to lay a good foundation. She could not have taken so much upon herself, if br [Abraham] Smoot had been at home. She felt we had a good lot of sisters, who were willing to do all they could

Sis Snow arose and said, My Sisters I arise to bear my testimony to what both have said. Sister Kimball illustrated principal, Sis Smoot circumstances.—knew there must be some to lead out. advised that some be set apart to lay off work, and others to superintend work, that the burden might be lightened on Sis Smoot. Said it was one object of the organization of this Society, to releive the sisters of their ignorence. Some are efficient in one department, and some in another. There should be an account kept of those who do the work. It is but few who will bear off the Kingdom. We must move forward heart, in heart, and we will grow in wisdom.

Incouraged her sisters, to step forward, and cultivate the power of speech. we must learn to controle our thoughts. The Lord has confered upon the sisters the power of speech as much as upon the brethren, and if we are going to become queens, we must cultivate our faculties, and inasmuch as we do move forward we shall be blessed. If we are officially called upon to speak; Never refuse, if you do, you will not feel so well. Was glad of this opportunity to meet with us. These were precious moments, and we would yet look back upon them, as we now look <upon> our childhood. May God bless you, Amen.

[. . .] [p. 42] [. . .]

Dismissed by Sister Snow.

[. . .] [p. 43]

Source Note

Twentieth Ward, Ensign Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 1 (1868–1877), pp. 41–43, CHL (LR 9455 14); Susan M. Schettler, Secretary.

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11 September 1868, Salt Lake City Twentieth Ward Relief Society; Margaret T. Smoot Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1868/09/1868-09-11