29 October 1868

American Fork Relief Society; American Fork Meetinghouse, American Fork, Utah Territory

[. . .] Present Eliza R Snow and Sarah M Kimball. Motioned by Eliza R Snow, 2nd by Sarah M Kimball, that Lenord [Leonard] E Harrington be chairman, of this meeting. carried unanimously.

[. . .]

the minutes of the 1st organization of the Female Relief Society organized by Joseph Smith and others, March 17th 1842 was <read> by Eliza R Snow.

[. . .] [p. 1]

[. . .]

Sister Eliza R Snow spoke to the sisters not that she was a public speaker, but as the president of the Church had called upon her to go on a Mission amongst the Sisters; She always found it the easyest to do at a word what is required of us. and she found on her Mission a good <spirit> and a willingness in her Sisters to do good.

showed the necessity of haveing, the spirit of god and going forth in humility, and we know not what we can acomplish untill we try. and to sustain your Presidentess, and officers set over you. and to over-look their Mistakes.

and the duty of the Secratary is to keep a faithfull history of the doings of the society in all things. the teachers hold a very responsible station or calling, not only temperally, but Spiritually.

Showed how the enemy was trying all in his power to lead away the daughters of zion. and the teachers was to impart Spiritual food, to speak a word of kindness in season, not only temporal but to bind up the broken hearted.

spoke of the reality, of this work and the spot where the garden of eden was. and she herself had seen the alter in Davis Co. Mo. where adam offerd up the first Sacrifice, after being cast out of garden of eden, in Jackson Co. Mo. (the center stake of zion)1 [p. 2] and the time has come, for the children of zion, to be polished and prepared for the great work of god. every thing is known of our good works, and is recorded in records we do not see.

gave charge to look after the sick and feeble, but those who can help themselves should do so. and that we have, to be tried and when we are called to be tried to endure it. for that is what father wants us to pass through.

recomended the sisters when they meet togather, to arise up and improve in their language; for this has a great influence with our children, and if you allow your language, and conduct to be, indifferent your children will be the same. and prepare your sons to fill responsible stations, for soon the United States will pass in to the hands of this people.

and always speak something that will be edifying. and to te[a]ch all the good we can to each other, to make our homes happy. and the more we do these things, the more we will have the spirit of god. spoke of the society organized in Nauvoo, and that many of the sick was healed, and made to rejoice.

the words of wisdom is now brought up, and it is our duty to ever <keep> it up before us, and not be dilatory.

President [Brigham] Young says that there would not any return to jackson Co. who drink Tea, Coffee, or use Tobacco, or of a contentious Spirit.

Joseph Smith said that the days would come, when the nations would come up to zion to get the best of every thing.

exhorted the sisters to gain intelligence, in order that they may be along side of our Brethren, and worthy of thier association; and to be ever ready to get rid of our errors, and to be willing to receive correction from each other; recomended that each member when presented, be recomended by some one. and to establish [p. 3] this as a precedent. and when new comers come in our midst as strangers, to instruct them and introduce them in to good society; and thereby often prevent them from going amongst those who are seeking to ruin the females, and lead them astray and to utter ruin. then blessed the officers and members of this society, and closed her remarks.

Sister Sarah M Kimball then bore her testimony to Sister Snows remarks. [. . .]

Sister [Mary S.] Hindly [. . .] felt to tender her good feelings, to the Sisters Snow and Kimball for their kind instruction.

Sister H [Hannah H.] Crompton expressed her thankfullness for this oppertunity of hearing such good instruction.

Bishop L. E. Harrington expressed his approbation of the proceedings and teachings of the Sisters, encouraged them to go ahead, and to have faith that the institution must and will grow.

Blessed all present. Motioned by L E Harrington that a vote of thanks be given to Sisters Eliza R Snow and Sarah M Kimball, for their visit, and kind instruction at this time; and expressed a wish that they would visit us again.

[. . .] [p. 4]

Source Note

American Fork Ward, Alpine Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1901), vol. 1 (1868–1880), pp. 1–4, CHL (LR 10636 14); William Greenwood, Secretary.

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29 October 1868, American Fork Relief Society; American Fork Meetinghouse, American Fork, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1868/10/1868-10-29-b


  1. [1]See “Adam’s Altar in Adam-ondhi-Ahman” in Historical Context.