18 February 1869

Salt Lake City Seventeenth Ward Relief Society; Union Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Large, three-story professional building with windows on each floor and advertisement signs covering the left side of the first floor

Salt Lake City Seventeenth Ward Union Hall, also called Union Block, 14 April 1911. (Used by permission, Utah State Historical Society.)

[. . .]

Present— [. . .] Sister E. R. Snow with several of the Presidents and Officers of other Societies in this City.

[. . .] [p. 145]

[. . .] [p. 146–p. 147] [. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow arose and said, I have often thought that unless we had more to do than what it seemed possable for us to accomplish, that we should not perform all that we might.

It is a blessing to us, that we, at times, are brought into circumstances which are calculated to bring into exercise every power and facualty which we possess. It is true, it may not seem very desirable for the time being, but it has a tendency to strengthen and develope our abilities and prepare us for greater usefullness.

We have been instructed, that each one of us, in our organizations is endowed with the germs of every facualty requisite to constitute a God or a Goddess. These little ones in their mothers’ arms have the germs of all the capabilities which we exhibit: and what constitutes the differences between them and ourselves? Merely a lack of developement in them, and this developement requires cultivation, energy and perseverance. [p. 148]

The organization of the Female Relief Society places the sisters in positions to bring into exercise and thus develope all of our faculties: thus in doing good to others we benefit ourselves “In blessing thou shalt be blest” And those who do the most good shall be most blest.

My sisters, let us cultivate ourselves, that we may be capable of doing much good. We are daughters of our Heavenly Father, and our position as saints of the Most High is at the head of the world.

Let us try to realize our responsibilities and honor our position.

It is a delicate thing for us sisters, to act in an organized capacity. Our bretheren are accustomed to move in organized bodies—we are not, and we need a great deal of the spirit and wisdom of God to direct us. Although we should meet with difficulties, let us not feel discouraged, but move forward in the path of duty and through the blessing of God and the encouragement of our bretheren, we shall surmount every obstacle. When you see one step before you take it, and do not wait to see where is the next—if we see one step it is not for us to stand still until we can see the way clear in the distance, but move forward and the way will be opened before us, step by step. This is a principle. God requires us to make the effort and thus prove our faith and trust in Him, and then He is sure to extend His aid. We have a gratifying illustration of this principle here, before us. Sister [Sarah D.] Rich reports that Bro. [Charles C.] Rich donates $50.00 worth of lumber to this Society. If the Society had not made a move in preparing to build, this liberal donation would not have been made.

This Society has always done much. God has been with you, my sisters or you could not accomplish what you have—you have also had the faith and prayers of the First Presidency and of your Bishop [Nathan Davis].

This organization is a portion of the Holy Priesthood, and stands in the same relation to the Bishop, that the Society which was organized in Nauvoo by Joseph Smith, stood to him: and the idea of the Society acting in opposition to the Bishop, is not only preposterous, but an impossibility. In all its movements it acts in accordance with his counsel, and the moment it takes a step aside from this, it ceases to exist in its proper order, and the spirit of the Institution is withdrawn.

But I am not in the least, anticipating such an event. You have a President [Marinda N. Hyde] and Counsellors [Serepta Heywood and Sarah E. Reese], if <who> have learned by many years’ of experience to respect and be guided by the authorities placed over them. [p. 149]

Yet, I feel to say to you be careful, move cautiously, yet, with energy.

I feel to congratulate you on your success—you have done much. You have donated liberally, and you have disbursed as liberally—I trust than in the ensuing year, the demands on your Treasury will not be so heavy as in the past.

And by the way, I wish to caution my sisters a little with regard to sympathy: Our sympathies, as well as every other emotional feeling, require cultivation. This I have learned by practical experience. I could not believe that any person would solicit charity unless really needy, and I on had <been> many times imposed upon before “I dared to question my sympathies; but I learned wisdom from the things I suffered.”

It is your duty and province as a Society for the relief of the poor, to make yourselves fully acquainted with the circumstances of those who solicit your aid. I have known instances of people being supported by charity, when they had large boxes stored with good, jewelry &c. Do not hesitate to inform yourselves—the really needy will not dissemble, neither will they shrink from investigation. You need the wisdom of God to direct you in these matters, that you may neither with-hold from the destitute, nor un-necessarily drain your Treasury.

Each member of the Society should study to know her place, and honor herself any [in] filling it honorably, and all move forward like machinery, that is perfect in all its parts. Let no one overstep her mark or, in the least crowd against another. For instance, I would say to the Teachers or Visiting Com. it is for you to visit your respective Blocks—to ascertain the circumstances of those you visit, and report to the proper authorities, whose province it is to deal out or administer as shall be requisite. And if this principle shall be carried out in every department, the Society will move on like clock-work.

We must learn to act from principle, not from feeling—we often have occasion to put the bit upon our feelings, and with a strong curb of restraint keep them under proper control, for through this channel the tempter will seek to stir up jealousies and envies—check every feeling of this nature. We may at times think we have not received due respect from this or that one, but let us ever remember “it is better to suffer wrong than to do wrong”—Let us act nobly, as becomes saints of God, and daughters of Abraham, [p. 150] and ever bear in mind the greatest and the noblest are the most condescending.

This is one branch—there are many branches but they all constitute one Female Relief Society, as it was organized by Joseph Smith. Let each member realize her responsibility, and seek to make the Society honorable by being honorable herself. Let us be humble and cherish the spirit of God, that we may increase in wisdom and knowledge, that we may attain to true and noble womanhood—that we may become what we were, in the beginning created to be—helpmate to our bretheren.

According to instructions by the prophet Joseph, at the time of its first organization, this Society is designed to be a relief to the Bishop and Elders of Israel. In administering to the poor you have already aided your Bishop, and lessened his cares, and every labor that comes within the province of woman, devolves upon the F. R. Society.

In a recent address by Pres. [Brigham] Young before the F. R. S. of the 13th Ward, he established a broad platform, and pointed out an extensive field, or fields of labor—almost too much, it might seem, to be accomplished in this generation.

I desire fervently that we all may grow better day by day, that when the faithful shall be called out, as we have been instructed they will be, we may be one of the number.

My sisters you have my blessing, and my prayer is that we may have grace to overcome evil with good—have power to withstand every temptation—attain to the faith of the ancients and obtain victory over everything that opposes us on our way to the Celestial Kingdom. [. . .] [p. 151]

Source Note

Seventeenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1856–1973), vol. 2 (1868–1871), pp. 145–151, CHL (LR 8240 14). (Also available as Eliza R. Snow, “Let Us Cultivate Ourselves,” 18 Feb. 1869, At the Pulpit website, Church History Department, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, published 2018, churchhistorianspress.org.)

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18 February 1869, Salt Lake City Seventeenth Ward Relief Society; Union Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1869/02/1869-02-18