7 July 1869

Big Cottonwood Relief Society; Big Cottonwood Meetinghouse, Big Cottonwood [Holladay], Utah Territory

Present—Sisters E R Snow & Margaret [T.] Smoot

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Sister Snow said I am glad to see the faces of my sisters before me I look upon each sister as an immortal being to be sure they are clothed with mortality but they are trying to be saints of God but I think He could hardly recognize some of us by that name—out of the millions on the face of the earth there are a few thousands here who have embraced the gospel O how comforting to know that we have got the right starting point to build upon—when a student wishes to graduate he begins with the alphabet and takes the lessons one by one—but some scholars get in a hurry and skip some of the lessons then they get into the dark and cannot understand any of them just so with us if we skip some of the requirements of the gospel but if we take the revelations of God one by one we can walk in the light of his countenance day by day and acknowlege the hand of God in all things we may suffer wrong from the hand of man but there must be some wrong to prove us hereafter we are to be Queens and to attain to if we must submit to all things but can we submit to injustice yes we can we do not know what functions we posess unless we are brought into places where they are called into requisition—we will come from under the curse that was placed upon woman through the transgression of mother Eve by being obedient to our husbands and walking up to the laws of God1 those who get into the Celestial Kingdom will bring forth children without pain and in proportion as they fulfill every command of God they [p. 59] will become equal to their husbands and walk side by side with them. The word of wisdom has become a law of God—I heard President [Brigham] Young say a few days ago that they would have to cut those off from the church who do not keep it will not the mother show her obedience to God by doing this—how can we ask the blessing of God on that which He has forbidden—when the saints have obeyed that which has been revealed they are ready to obey what is being revealed.

Co-operation is causing a great deal of intrest at present—I attach that much importance to female influence to beleive this principle will never be fully established without our influence—instead of trading with the stores in the city do your trading in your own wards I would rather have a sixpence worth with the blessing of God than a dollars worth without it and I would rather have the confidence of my sisters than all the gold silver and greenbacks the eye ever saw—one of the greatest accomplishments woman can attain to is to be a good housewife—the cheerful face goes farther to produce happiness than gold or silver. Said I have no wrong to speak of no fault to find it is the duty of the sisters to close up each others faults and make them look beautiful—it is the duty of this society to uphold its officers &c. the disposition I saw manifested to day by the sisters who were called upon to speak was edifying to me when we are called upon to do a thing we can do it let it be what it may we have more abilities than we have given ourselves credit for. When you meet here to work do not allow yourselves to enter into all the chit-chat of the gentiles I would not have you draw your faces as long as some sectarian priest but we have plenty of matter to talk of that will be improving and interesting to talk of if your husbands use tobacco strengthen them by that silent sweet influence of the gospel—we are called the weaker vessels but I sometimes think we need the most strength for the lays the foundation for the future greatness or the opposite of the child—I have seen mothers give instructions enough to carry it to Heaven without seeing it carried out one lesson carried out is better than fifty without that watchfulness—when the Temple is built there will be a man stand with the Urim and Thummim and a continual intercourse be kept up between the Heavens and earth—our faithfulness and unfaithfulness will all meet us by and by—we had better do our kitchen work while we are in it lest when we get into the parlor we will have to go back and do our work in the kitchen—if any little jealousy arises never sespect it but let it die where it should it should have died before its birth but if it comes into existence the shorter lived the better. [p. 60] I would like the young sisters to get all the learning they can it is a pity for those who stand aloof—by and by we will converse with angels and that by our integrity. There are so many things to talk of I shall never find an end unless I stop right off may God bless the sisters.

Mrs Margaret Smoot said—I am pleased with the privilege of meeting with you again—I feel to bear my testimony to the truth of what sister Snow has said. [. . .] [p. 61]

Source Note

Big Cottonwood Ward, Granite Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1948), vol. 1 (1868–1882), pp. 58–61, CHL (LR 712 14); Mary E. Boyes, Secretary.

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7 July 1869, Big Cottonwood Relief Society; Big Cottonwood Meetinghouse, Big Cottonwood [Holladay], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1869/07/1869-07-07


  1. [1]See “Eve, Adam, and the Fall” in Historical Context.