14 April 1870

Salt Lake City Twentieth Ward Relief Society; Abraham O. Smoot Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[President Margaret T. Smoot referred to Brigham Young’s call of Mary Isabella Horne to lead out in the Retrenchment movement.]

[. . .]

After the reading of the minutes sister Eliza R Snow Said that we had the faith and good feelings of our brethren in forwarding this work which we must be united in carrying out—in union and with combined effort we can acomplish what can never be acomplished by single effort—this is one of the inner workings of God which devolves upon the sisters as helpmates of man our influence is great and by exersising it in the right direction we can acomplish a great deal Much is to be done preparatory to the comming of the Savior—and we should be [p. 155] in earnest in this work—there will be diffaculties to surmount, but we should keep our faces as flint in doing what duty requires in retrenchment of table and in many other respects—but one thing at a time—and we shall realize more good than by multiplying objects of reform. By arming at too much at once we shall acomplish less—let us concentrate our influence on this one point of table R [Retrenchment]: && [etc.]

[. . .] [p. 156]

Source Note

Twentieth Ward, Ensign Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 1 (1868–1877), pp. 154–156, CHL (LR 9455 14); Eliza S. Dunford, Secretary.

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14 April 1870, Salt Lake City Twentieth Ward Relief Society; Abraham O. Smoot Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1870/04/1870-04-14