17 May 1871

South Cottonwood Relief Society; Cottonwood [Murray], Utah Territory

[. . .] Presadentis [Presidentess Janet B.] Cahoon arose said she was glad to have the privlage of meeting with the Sisters I am glad to see Sister Eliza Snow with ous [us] I ask god to bless us all amen

Mrs Eliza Snow arose said she felt like making some corections in the minutes we want our record as corect as we can have it I dont know what to say to you unless the Lord will aid me in endeavouring to edify you if the Sisters will unite thier hearts and pray for me I shall be able to say somthing We can realize that we are mortals and mortals beings we pretend to be saints of God of the most high god daughters of Zion when we compare our privlages with those of the out side world thare is a vast diference as I have herd President Yong [Brigham Young] say that these our Sisters that are a member of this Society it places women in the Posistion that they will hafto [have to] abide by the law of Enoch to import good to the poor thare is a deal more that we can do we can encourage our Sisters to come to meeting and to do wright God in his wisdom has estableshed richenousness [righteousness] upon the earth and it is imposable for us to work out our salvation without workin out the Salvation of others so Joseph Smith Said by coperating togeather we benafit our selves and others it is a work of concern all the world through Sisters the more we look after our sisters welfare the grater will be our reward and the more we will be blessed and if we can understand to step forward into a brauder [broader] sphere the better we will be and the more we unite togeathe [together] the better it will be for us and the grater will [p. 73] be our reward if our work is in the kitchen we will get rewar[d]ed for it as well as if we was preaching the gospel if I sit down and fold my hand will my reward be as great as that of my Sisters that does work No We hafto lay our afferings upon the alter to and the ones that burns will be saved and those that do not burn will not be saved then Sisters let us be faithful and try to live our religion and do what is wright I am pleased with your report for the year i[t] shows you are alive but wuho [who] has done it is it all or is it part I hope it is you all

Joseph Smith said that if the sisters would live up to thier religion that they would be blessed and by and by the queans of the earth would donate to this Society how we should gard our tounges aganste speaking evil of our neighbors this we should be carfule of I some times think that we forget wuho [who] we are we should always bare it in mind that we are the daughters of the most high God but we never sin by thinking or by being timpted Jesus was tempted we should live so when refine people come to see us we can be able to answer thier questions now my sisters you are we way marks of society then what should we be should we be women of the most high God some will say that I have so much to do that I can not go to meeting thare are times when women canot go to meeting but not very often Sisters you should teach your daughters to do house work and all kinds of work Sisters teach your children to do wright my parent was a great deal more strict with me than they are now with Children and I thank them for it theach [teach] them not tak any thing that does not belong to them a child should be as carfle [careful] out of thier parents sight as they are in it Mothers should be able to set an exampl befor her Children now if we want a subject to study upon we have got one we have goto [got to] study diet we have to learn what is [p. 74] good for one is not good for another

Now my sisters do live your religion and do what is right do not let any of your grief go so far as I knowed a wuoman once that went crazy over loosing a child but it is very foolish to morn that way for yourn children that die are shure of a resarection all we hafto do is to live for our salvation and to do what is right then my sisters let us go a head and do our duty we must be obeident for it was through disobeidence that the human family was led astray if you are called upon to speak it is your duty to do so if you dont say three words may God bless you all and you may have his blessing and you will if you are faithful Amen

Presadentis Margret [Presidentess Margaret T.] Smoot arose said Sisters I am happy to have the privlage of meeting with you and to hear such good instructions as we have her from Sister Snow her remarks are good and if we all would take patern after them we will do what is right [. . .] [p. 75]

Sister Snow arose said I saw a buteful [beautiful] sight today I saw three sisters moving in harmony togeather the wives of one man it is a patorn for the world may God bless them and all who tries to right Councelor Lucy Bullock arose said I feal glad to have the privlage of coming to and to see my sisters and to see Sister Snow and Smoot may we all prove faithful amen [. . .]

Presadentis Cahoon arose said [. . .] I am glad to see so many sisters hear and to see Sister Snow and Smoot may God bless us all amen

Sister Eliza Snow arose gave some remarks of making temple clothes said she had the patorn that Joseph Smith gave and for ous to patern after and we should patern after it [p. 76]

Source Note

Cottonwood 1st Ward, Cottonwood Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1971), vol. 1 (1868–1886), pp. 73–76, CHL (LR 7772 14); Lydia J. Green, Secretary.

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17 May 1871, South Cottonwood Relief Society; Cottonwood [Murray], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1871/05/1871-05-17