15 August 1871

Salt Lake City Fifteenth Ward Relief Society; Fifteenth Ward Relief Society Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Women, men, and children stand in front of the two-story Fifteenth Ward Relief Society Hall

Salt Lake City Fifteenth Ward Relief Society Hall, dedicated August 1869. This photograph, date unknown, was published in 1893.

[. . .]

A surprise picnic dinner had been prepared for Pres Mrs [Sarah M.] Kimball, and among the invited guests were Sisters E. R Snow, and I. Horn [Mary Isabella Horne]. Work consisted of the cutting and making of some suits of Temple clothes, which Sister Snow had kindly proffered to superintend,

The following address was read by Sister Snow,

Mrs Sarah M. Kimball.

Beloved President.

We the Councillors, Sec’ry, Treas, Teachers and members of the Female Relief Society of the Fifteenth Ward, unitedly tender you our congratulations on the success attending the kind, noble, and dignified manner, in which you have discharged the many arduous duties of your responcible [responsible] position as Pres. of society,

In consideration of the services you have rendered and wishing to testify our appreciation of your faithful and untiring patience—your unremitting diligence and liberality in sustaining and in promoting the interests of the Institution, all of which, have been fully evinced by your punctual attendance and indomitable perseverance, also by your words instruction and encouragement, coupled with cheerfulness, and sisterly affability, which have strengthened us in our manifold labors; we present you with this gift, as a testimonial which we beg you to accept. We humbly trust you will overlook its Small monetary value and estimate it in accordance with the higher consideration of love confidence and kind feeling with which it is presented, as indicated by its significant character [p. 207]

[. . .]

Sister Snow being called upon made a few remarks—said the 15th ward Relief Society were early organized, that they had lead out, and had been untiring in their efforts, which had been marked with great success, said that one could not accomplish this alone, but that our President had, had the united aid of the Society, and the blessing of God. she was early acquainted with our cercumstances which were not very good. that we had been blessed, prayed we might be faithful and diligent, and seek all good things, Spoke of the great wisdom needed in family government, how necessary it was for our girls to think more of the improvement of their minds and not spend so much time in vanity. spoke of the great ignorance existing, in relation to the principles of the Gospel, and how easy and unconcerned we were, while the powers of Satan were arrayed against us, and how few would be prepared for the coming of the Bride-groom, and of the necessity of being prepared for whatever may come.

In doing the Will of God we are working for our own interest and in establishing the Kingdom of God we will reap the benefits.

[. . .]

Benediction by Sister E. R Snow.

[. . .] [p. 208]

Source Note

Fifteenth Ward, Riverside Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1968), vol. 1 (1868–1873), pp. 207–208, CHL (LR 2848 14).

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15 August 1871, Salt Lake City Fifteenth Ward Relief Society; Fifteenth Ward Relief Society Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1871/08/1871-08-15